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Author Topic: Do you think there are DUDS?  (Read 2365 times)


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Do you think there are DUDS?
« on: October 20, 2004, 07:32:09 AM »
A few weeks ago, I had an exchange with EXCALIBER and tenpinspro and both said they do not believe in duds. I do not remember the exact words but they said that it is up to the bowler to get a good driller for a well-fitting ball and to adjust the surface and to the lanes and any ball can work. I do not agree as I have had my share of balls that will not hit for me after adjustments. Examples are:

1) V2 Dry (I talked to a PRO and he said he does not know of anybody who likes this ball)
2) Jackhammer
3) Optyx Something (the clear reactive blue ball)
4) EMB
What about you? Do you think all balls will work? If not, what are the balls that you would consider duds?

If all balls work, then at the most, we should buy two balls a year and make the necessary adjustments. I do not think the ball manufacturers will like that.



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Re: Do you think there are DUDS?
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2004, 01:12:54 AM »
every company produces a dud from time to time. It may be something as simple as color is some instances.

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Re: Do you think there are DUDS?
« Reply #17 on: October 21, 2004, 01:17:00 AM »
I am not sure but I think some may be taking this post the wrong way....OR maybe it is I who is taking it the wrong way.

I believe Rockbowler is talking about DUDS as in "HEY, the V2 DRY is a horrible ball, so every V2 Dry out there must be a horrible ball". I do not believe he is talking about BLEMS or X OUTS. Which most bowlers know are balls that are produced and end up coming out with extremely long pins or high top weights.

SO, just another vote here, no duds*L*
Carl Hurd

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Re: Do you think there are DUDS?
« Reply #18 on: October 21, 2004, 02:09:43 AM »
3) Optyx Something (the clear reactive blue ball)

maybe he's thinking of the formula one...its blue and has a clear part of coverstock on it

i just saw one up close tonight
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Edited on 10/21/2004 2:00 AM


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Re: Do you think there are DUDS?
« Reply #19 on: October 21, 2004, 02:21:25 AM »
I agree with most that there are no duds. There are only balls that don't match up well with a majority of bowlers. These balls do not sell very well and aren't around long. Some of the examples given may fall into that category.

FWIW, I loved my EMB... hyped as the ball to never roll out. For me, it did live up to that!
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Re: Do you think there are DUDS?
« Reply #20 on: October 21, 2004, 03:32:30 AM »

Just in case you think that I am misquoting, here is what tenpinspro said:

Again, there's no such thing as a dud or bad ball, you either have to know how to line up or have it redrilled or the cover adjusted to your game as necessary. There are so many variables in the total picture that if you don't have a good driller to help you match things up, you may end up with a poor reaction, that's all.

I do not remember what you said (although I remembered that you agreed that there are no duds) but what tenpinspro said may have stuck in my mind as he is my friend. So please, there were no misquotations on my part even to a small degree.

And as to what a dud may be to some people, this is how I replied to Overhand who asked the question:

Any ball that you would consider a dud. A ball that just would not hit for you. I am not sure that we can generalize and say that the ball has a manufacturing defect (although there is that possibility) but just a ball that will not work for you.

Hope this clarifies it so there are no misconceptions or misinterpretations.

Edited on 10/21/2004 3:27 AM


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Re: Do you think there are DUDS?
« Reply #21 on: October 21, 2004, 03:55:07 AM »
Now thinking back through the years, I know of a couple of balls that weren't good match ups but I would agree with what many are talking about concerning the right drilling for the conditions I was bowling on. Since coming to this site a year ago, I've learned more about proper layouts and what balls are best for certain lane conditions, and back in the 90's while I had drillers that knew how to give me 3 holes and a proper fit, they may not have known a whole lot about drilling dynamics.

The Phantom would be a ball that didn't work well for me, and I understand a lot of people had trouble with it because it was a difficult ball for the average driller to layout and punch out properly. I saw many people bowl well with it, so I wouldn't say all Phantoms are duds.

There are too many variables when it comes to a person's style, the conditions they see at the start of bowling, how the lanes transition towards the middle and end of bowling, ball speed, axis tilt and so forth for everyone to match up well today with the same 2 or 3 bowling balls. The days of grabbing your Blue Hammer or your Yellow Dot and hitting every condition are long gone...

I can't say I've had a ball that hasn't worked for me in over 4 years.


David Lee Yskes

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Re: Do you think there are DUDS?
« Reply #22 on: October 21, 2004, 05:20:27 AM »
I have to believe that everynow n then there is the classic DUD ball, like the AMF XS i believe it was it was BONE WHITE lol.  yet hit like a marshmellow.  

And even recently most people would say the Trauma Response was a dud, but most of the people who would say this wasnt using the ball on the proper condition.  This ball seriously needed a Flood of oil for it to be used.   Or you had to polish the crap outa this ball for it to work on a regular condition.  

And then yes there was balls like the Riptide or Tombstone that hooked in your backswing lol.   And of course then what about the Hammer Syntec the ball was so soft you could almost squeeze the ball.  

But i think alot of people just either drill the ball wrong, like how many times i have read a review of someone drilling up a ball Stacked leverage, and then they wonder why the ball hooks so much.  

Or the condition is just wrong for the ball, or maybe the drilling wasnt a good one for the condition they was facing.    

I mean i have thrown nothing but Storm since 96, and have never had a ball or drilling i couldnt find a condition to match up for the ball.   Sometimes it takes a while to find a condition for a certain ball, but when you do, u light up the lanes.
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C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Do you think there are DUDS?
« Reply #23 on: October 21, 2004, 02:14:41 PM »

I think your slight misquote was in saying......."I had an exchange with EXALIBER and tenpinspro and both said they do not believe in duds. I do not remember the exact words but they said that it is up to the bowler to get a good driller for a well-fitting ball and to adjust the surface and to the lanes and any ball can work"

I say this is a slight misquote because you said "THEY SAID".....tenpinspro said that, I didn't.

In that same topic you are refering to I said I didn't have good luck with the Ultimate Inferno or the Anomaly, but I wouldn't call them a dud. They just did not work well for my game. If what you are saying is true, then are you saying both of these balls are duds?

If a ball is a dud then it would work for no one, as poorly as the AMF BONE XS performed for most there were still many people it did work for. Infact if I remember correctly there was someone looking for one not long ago in the wanted/forsale forum.

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Do you think there are DUDS?
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2004, 02:30:57 PM »
Daivd,  got to disagree about the XS Bone.  One of the guys I bowl with has one, and it has been quite effective on some of the local sport patterns we've seen.  

Just about every ball will work for someone.  While some balls may be somewhat universally disliked, I don't think that there is truely a bad ball made.


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Re: Do you think there are DUDS?
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2004, 02:39:29 PM »

Columbia Orange Dot: dud dud dud

if not a dud then it was a cow pattie...
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Doug Sterner

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Re: Do you think there are DUDS?
« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2004, 02:46:54 PM »
There have been a few balls that didn't work for me but I know many people who have used them well so it was me, not the ball.

Syntactive Sledgehammer, Navy Resin Hammer, Teal Rhino Pro, Elixir Pearl, Raging Inferno

You can pretty much tell if a ball was a dud for a company though (as in it didnnt sell well) simply by looking at how long it is in the line. I think the ball that's been there the longest was the Storm Eraser...I think that ball lasted about 7 years. Dud? I tihnk not!!!
Doug Sterner
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Re: Do you think there are DUDS?
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2004, 03:09:11 PM »

I think your slight misquote was in saying......."I had an exchange with EXALIBER and tenpinspro and both said they do not believe in duds. I do not remember the exact words but they said that it is up to the bowler to get a good driller for a well-fitting ball and to adjust the surface and to the lanes and any ball can work"

I say this is a slight misquote because you said "THEY SAID".....tenpinspro said that, I didn't.


Sorry. I also prefaced my original post that I do not remember the exact words. Anyway, I will make sure that next time I will copy and paste your exact words. One question, do you agree with what tenpinspro said and I quoted?

Edited on 10/21/2004 6:51 PM