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Author Topic: Do You Trust The Ball Seller?  (Read 907 times)


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Do You Trust The Ball Seller?
« on: February 12, 2004, 05:46:18 PM »
I orginally had this posted in Lane 1, but moved here as this is where it belongs.

Most people selling balls that they claim have 3-5-6-10 games on them and like new, I am very very skeptable about. Now, there are a few people on this site that I trust and if they told me thats all the games the balls had on them, I would believe them, but most of these people that I would trust are going to throw more games than that before they decide they don't like the ball for whatever reason(s).

And, if a person believes that the individual he is not familiar with that has a ball with 3-6 games for sale, sends that person the money and gets a ball that has more games than that on it, he is screwed as that individual isn't going to return the money plus pay for shipping charge to ship back to him. In fact he is not even going to take the ball back.

I have a friend that bought a ball that was "like new, only 10 games" and when he got the ball, the bridge had a crack of which he was not told about, plus the ball had a lot of nicks on it and I would say it had at least 100-125 games on it, unless the 10 games on the ball were thrown in the parking lot. And another similar case of a ball bought from a Pro Shop on this site where the ball had a deep crack in the bridge and was in fair condition other than the crack, but not in as good of condition as the Pro Shop said it was plus the Pro Shop didn't tell him about any of this.

Now, I'm sure someone will say to get pictures first and that's true, but these defects don't alwys show up in the pictures......Now, does anyone reading this really believe that all the balls advertised as 3-6-10 games on this site really only have that many games on them???????

Report them? Sure you can, but that may be the only ball that person will ever sell to begin with, so he doesn't care if you post it on this site or not. Also, he may have several user names.

So how can a person be assured that the ball he is buying has exactly as many games as advertised and in as good of condition as advertised?????


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Re: Do You Trust The Ball Seller?
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2004, 09:06:50 AM »
I responded there and will do so here as well. With regards to this site, if someones references are good and they willingly provide all pertinent info(without having to pull teeth)....YES. IMO, The buyer does have some responsibility if he gets shafted. If I jump blindly into some transaction and get taken, I feel get what I deserve.  If I KNOW WHO I AM DEALING WITH and stick to those who are obviously cool, then there is no problem. BTW, if one pays attention to the Feedback/For Sale forums then its easy to tell who the cool cats are. Like I said, buying on-line is a crap shoot but it is possible to stack the odds in your favor. Just gotta be willing to make the effort.....

Phillip Marlowe

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Re: Do You Trust The Ball Seller?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2004, 12:36:23 PM »
For just the reason mentioned, I think it is good practice to OVERESTIMATE and OVERSTATE the number of games one has on a ball when advertising it.  I.e., when in doubt, add 10% or 5 games, whichever is greater.  If everyone would do that, we could feel much more confident.
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