It's interesting that this topic is brought up. After a unfortunate incident at my league on Thursday night, I can't finish the rest of the year. I was paired up with a family of good bowlers and they all decided to quit, and I couldn't find enough guys to fill up the team.
So I decided to take the time I would have spent there, and put it into the gym and coaching.
Areas that I like to focus on, which a lot of people overlook.
Your core is super important. From the knees up to the middle of your back, I work that hard. I also work my pecs and bi and triceps, but not as much as the legs. I'm 5'5 135 lbs, I need to hit the line solid because I can't brute force my way thru the bottom of the shot.
Also, stretching is so important.
Good for you to get into the gym and doing something about your score instead of just complaining.