A several years ago, I remember bowling against a bowler who was a regional PBA guy who was very well known and now into his 50's. He almost missed an stone 8 pin and I remarked "that was close", and he replied, he had 17 inches to hit that pin and as long as it fell over he was happy.
Later I asked him more about it, and all he said was, you'll see when you get my age.
Well, now I am his age, and I think I get it. When I was younger, I was upset when I threw a brooklyn. Today, hooray, I don't have to shoot a spare. LOL Now I do not celebrate brooklyn's by any means. I will just walk off the lane, or try to figure out why it happened but I no longer am upset.
And now, I am the older guy that the younger bowlers are asking why I didn't get upset? And I'll simply tell them, did it strike? Goal accomplished.
But I watch the younger guys, and they are like I was; mad at a brooklyn.
Just curious if others feel the same way?