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Author Topic: Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!  (Read 7575 times)

trash heap

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Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!
« on: February 09, 2009, 07:02:21 AM »
Any more most of the New Talent out on tour are stand left throw right. High Speed and High Revs. (Lots a power).

Duke justs lays it out there. Strikes don't always look pretty but they are strikes.

I can see it effective but what about Dukes game. Is their anyone out there trying to emulate his style. It seems to me at a PRO level some of these guys could do what Duke does or can they?

Talkin' Trash!



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Re: Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2009, 08:44:57 PM »
Kiall Hill
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Re: Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2009, 10:06:29 PM »
Scroggy and he works the outside of the ball.  

Ooops didn't see the NEW guns part but how did the new guns learn....on THS where revs can be used and applied.  Old guys are the rev less types....learned pre-short oil.

Edited on 2/9/2009 11:12 PM


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Re: Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2009, 10:22:13 PM »
Trash it didn't appear as Frankies response was directed towards you, but more for those that claim "ego" because a guy hooks it on tour.  

As far as Duke's release it's extremely difficult to reproduce.  If you get the chance to watch it he's extremely soft at release and still gets a decent tilt along with getting an end-over-end type roll along with getting it to miss the front part of the lane. Others can get straight and play this but the simple fact is that it's there D game and in no way do they get even close to the same carry as Duke can get playing this.  Machuga did go to this type of shot earlier this year I believe in the show that he won, so other players do do it, but it's just like Walter, how often do you *really* see him playing left throw it right?  All the players have it in their bag but when you can play your A game that's what your going to do.

Machuga also pretty much idolizes Duke. It's no surprise he's trying to filch from Duke's bag of tricks.

I bowled a pro-am with both of them a few years ago and wanted to know from Machuga how he released the ball the way he does. If I could have anyone's release in the game, I'd pick his. He told me he practiced using pool balls on a pool table to learn the trigger in his wrist movement.

Then as he was finished, he said, "And Norm Duke can't do that," meaning hooking a pool ball on a pool table. "Greatest bowler in the world and he can't make a pool ball hook."

He told me to watch the way Norm gets out of the ball and he was right. Norm appears to exit from the ball the way a lot of us were taught in the pre-resin days. All of his "hit" seems applied to forward roll.

But Duke's best attribute, of course, is he's about the most accurate guy the tour has had since Anthony left.



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Re: Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2009, 08:04:49 AM »
I think there are plenty of guys on tour that could play straighter lines with lower revs but that's not their A-game.  You can thank walled up house patterns as the main reason we don't see many striaghter players coming up thru the ranks.  The smart PBA players learn that straighter is greater most of the time.


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Re: Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2009, 08:21:52 AM »
honestly in my opinion, i think its an excellent idea to model your game like norm duke but i feel like bowling has to feel natural and because of dukes size, his hands, his coordination, his temperment, and just everything that makes duke. . . duke its impossible to completely mimick what he does. they talked about it on sunday, he had so little margin of error from where he was playing and did not miss very often, but you take a rhino page and look at just his build, rhino is just flat out strong so i just dont know if he could play like duke or take wes mallott, just by nature making him what 6'4 like 230 do you honestly think he could lay down the ball like duke does i just dont think so. i think there are alot of factors that play in to dukes style and it works beautifully for him we all see that but i just dont know if it can really be taught maybe its intangible just my thoughts


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Re: Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2009, 08:36:50 AM »
I think it's called strategy and all the bowlers have the same options and you must be referring to Brian Voss, cuz he complained about Duke using a sanding ball. I try to think of that as creating area and that's just playing smart. Did anybody notice Fagan when he tried to play Duke's line? He left a washout!
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Re: Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2009, 08:40:15 AM »
We're all just harping about the same old thing!
Duke is Duke and he's the best there is!  Period!
We can all try to emulate him and copy his style,
but as it was mentioned here before, it's just so
hard to do!  In todays power game, everyone tries
to "reef" on the ball because the balls are so strong,
and you need to give them room to be effective on a THS!

I say this...challenge yourselves on your THS !!
Take one of the balls you use and try to throw it
straight in the track or down the outside without
it jumping into "the face".  It's a great drill
I use in practice and it makes my release cleaner
and more consistent.

Just a thought...........
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Re: Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2009, 09:12:16 AM »
Yup it helps to play that way when you are closer to the ground and the last time I checked he be the closest!


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Re: Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!
« Reply #24 on: February 10, 2009, 10:59:05 AM »
Yup it helps to play that way when you are closer to the ground and the last time I checked he be the closest!

I don't know "bout" that.  Liz Johnson is about his height.  And the last time I checked, she was about 8th in points on the "mens" tour.

And what line does she play

I think what Norm is doing is great for bowling.  Putting some accuracy back in the game.  And I love it, when someone taking the straight path to the pocket buries the "hotdogs"  oops,  I meant crankers

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Re: Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2009, 12:00:58 PM »
I've heard these things myself!

Duke can do two things better than anyone else on the PBA Tour: throw a bowling ball, and snort lines.

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Re: Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2009, 01:26:54 PM »
Some nights on league I try to play his line. The problem is (and this is on a lowly house shot), I'll throw one shot to test it and find success, only to miss inside or outside a little bit and pay for it bad.

It just seems like a dangerous line to play even on easy patterns. Inside to the outside is just more forgiving.

I think if you can be extremely accurate, you can dominate with that line on anything.
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Re: Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2009, 01:44:35 PM »
I thought Duke's style of play was due to his age and increasing health problems, bad back etc. I've seen him swing it before but that was 10 years ago. The problem with bowlers is that they want flash and results and as most of us can attest you usually get one or the other, but rarely both.

 This is especially true on tv..promoters want a product that is pleasing to the eyes rather than a decent program with a bunch of bowlers that throw straight lines. In golf terms, you want the winner after 4 days to be 30 under rather than the masters or US open where the winner is lucky to break par.

 my two cents..

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It is said that the meek shall inherit the Earth but they had better wait until the Violent have tamed it.


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Re: Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2009, 02:00:21 PM »
Some nights on league I try to play his line. The problem is (and this is on a lowly house shot), I'll throw one shot to test it and find success, only to miss inside or outside a little bit and pay for it bad.

It just seems like a dangerous line to play even on easy patterns. Inside to the outside is just more forgiving.

I think if you can be extremely accurate, you can dominate with that line on anything.
There is nothing so easy to learn as experience and nothing so hard to apply.

Your describing accuracy.  House shots have a lot of miss area when playing inside out.  Playing straight up the boards like Duke requires accuracy.  If a bowler wants to be real good on tough patterns it's best to learn how to be accurate.  

When your playing straighter lines (my a-game) and you miss in or out, then a timing problem is usually the cause.  At least that's what i've seen with my own game.  

Keep practicing straighter lines and your accuracy will get better.


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Re: Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2009, 02:08:34 PM »
Agreed. And I also think part of the problem is aggressive balls not being designed for that part of the lane, which most bowlers have in their bags these days.
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Re: Does any NEW GUNS on Tour throw like Duke!
« Reply #30 on: February 10, 2009, 02:23:01 PM »
NO ONE can throw that line on Tour as well as Duke. I'm not a big Duke fane but to be able to play that line consistenly, especially with how dry the lanes are Sunday, he has the hit his mark perfecly with the exact same tilt and hit every single shot, otherwise if he missed in the slightest way he would totally miss the right side of the head pin.
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