There is nothing fraudulent or wrong with the auction style of these new auction sites. It is just another form of auction. Since you have to pay to bid the bid prices reflect the cost of bidding. The items being auctioned are provided by the site.. say it cost $1 per bid and you have 10 people that all bid 10 times.. So the winner pays 10 bucks plus whatever they bid on the item.. which is usually way less than retail.. so say for a bowling ball they get it for a total of 10 - 20 bucks.. but the site made around $100 for the item because of the cost of everyone bidding.
If you win the auction then you can get some pretty good deals. The problem is that if you lose the auction you will lose the money that it cost you to bid.
only potential problem I see is if there is some shadyness with the site and they have fake bidders upping the price at the last second to keep the bidding going so they make more money.
18 mph,350 rpm,PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8up, 15 deg axis tilt, varied rotational axis deg.. usually 45+
HighGame 300 x 4, High Series 808
Book Average 205,PBA Xperience 185