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Author Topic: Does anyone bowl on half/half lanes?  (Read 2110 times)


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Does anyone bowl on half/half lanes?
« on: February 05, 2004, 06:27:14 PM »
I was thinking, and noticed that I see posts about all synthetic lanes, or all wood lanes, but nothing about half syn. half wood. I bowled on one of these a couple months back, MAN are they hard to get used to, at least IMO. Does anyone bowl on half and half lanes? these lanes were set up with the back half of the aproach syn. front half wood, then the heads were wood, and it changes to syn. abt half way down.
15 years and still going strong! 15 years old that is! DA DA DAAAAAA!! UP UP AND AWAY! TO THE BAT CAVE ROBIN!The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
AM not A CHICK OF BOWLING but I wanted to be in Manda's clique

Edited on 2/6/2004 10:23 AM



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Re: Does anyone bowl on half/half lanes?
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2004, 09:38:01 AM »
Where did you bowl at these?  Was that the singles-doubles tourney? Or somewhere else?

You just know I'll be anywhere you start a topic.

Edited on 2/6/2004 10:34 AM


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Re: Does anyone bowl on half/half lanes?
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2004, 09:40:41 AM »
HAHA andy, I know this now. It was at the doubles/singles like a month or so back. The heads were wood, and the whole back of the lane was synthetic, not to mention BAKED! I bowle 2 outta 3 games w/ my Urethane Scout, playin 20 board out to like 15. I threw my predator and literally was standing in front of the left gutter, just a WEE BIT strong for that lane LOL
15 years and still going strong! 15 years old that is! DA DA DAAAAAA!! UP UP AND AWAY! TO THE BAT CAVE ROBIN!The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
AM not A CHICK OF BOWLING but I wanted to be in Manda's clique


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Re: Does anyone bowl on half/half lanes?
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2004, 09:48:42 AM »
I bowl as a sub on lanes that have wood approaches, AMF plastic lanes from the foul line down to about 20 feet, then the original wood lanes (from 1961)and covered with guardian(1995) to the pin deck, and new pin decks (1996).

My thoughts?

Wood approaches- Beat the daylights out of Synthetic approaches.

Synthetic heads- Can't imagine the ball getting through the front any cleaner.

Wood/guardian backends- very hard hooking area

New pindecks- high speed pin action


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Re: Does anyone bowl on half/half lanes?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2004, 10:03:30 AM »
I pretty much bowl on the right half of the lanes. unless I have to shoot a 4 pin.
avoids spare shooting at all costs
just throw strikes