Maybe we should be looking at the big picture here. It took 3 years and several different versions to make USBC a reality, something that most of us believed was the right thing initially but demanded modifications to make it acceptable. Let's assume that the new ball specs are a first proposal and are intended to gain the support of the manufacturers for the future potential changes in pins, lane surfaces and conditioning. The ball specs issue has raised enough discussion and debate that many bowlers are beginning to point at lane conditions as the primary issue.
If USBC had started with the thought of revamping the lane conditioning requirements, would we have had the same outcry and lack of support? Let's give the USBC some credit, these folks and especially the tech department, have put a lot of time and research into this. They are more informed and knowledgeable than most bowlers, and yes, many of the posters on this board.
Don't forget, the make up of the new USBC board includes some BPAA members. In order to gain acceptance of any changes that will pass, they may have to sacrifice a few preliminary attempts to get to the real issues.