If I have the opportunity, I like to do at least one training session on a tournament or league site, when I know that the oil is already apllied well before the event. Some houses around here do so, in order to tune the oil machine properly and to give local players the opprtunity to do training on serious lanes, even if they do not take part in the event.
Anyway, what I learned from this for the tournament itself: do NOT expect the lanes to be the same as in training. The lanes will probably fresher, air humidity and temperature different, so a 100% copy of the training will not occur. Sometimes it plays totally different, I second that experience.
Good memory how a pattern X has played (a while ago) will not really help you, do not rely too much an this thought, and do not stick too much on the solutions that worked then.
Best exploitation I made from these training occasions is to sort the proper equipment out, and try various lines and check how the lane will change.
When I come back and the lights are on, I have a good idea (and secure feeling) where to stand, where to aim and which ball to use, for minimum need for change. I will also have an idea how the games might unfold, to stay ahead of dramatic changes of the lanes and to know what I can NOT do. The rest is execution and a watchful eye on the own and competitors' ball reactions.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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