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Author Topic: Does anyone know of online Brackets?  (Read 2018 times)


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Does anyone know of online Brackets?
« on: April 07, 2017, 10:25:35 AM »
I just started using Other than the handicap being 90% of 230 (230 is way to high), I am really liking it. I would like to join a few other online competitions but I do not know of any others. Can you Ladies and Gentlemen help me out?



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Re: Does anyone know of online Brackets?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2017, 10:42:50 AM »
I just started using Other than the handicap being 90% of 230 (230 is way to high), I am really liking it. I would like to join a few other online competitions but I do not know of any others. Can you Ladies and Gentlemen help me out?

230 is too high?  All the leagues I bowl in, the top bowler is over 230.  If the base is lower than 230, the 230 bowler will win most of the time.  What's your angle on this?  Are you the 230+ bowler?


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Re: Does anyone know of online Brackets?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2017, 11:06:25 AM »
Nowadays, your base for handicap should always be 230. My team is moving to league next year that uses a base of 200 with no negative handicap. Three of us average over 200. We should be at or near the top of the standings next year, if they don't change that.
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Re: Does anyone know of online Brackets?
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2017, 11:59:10 AM »
Anything handicap based over 220, unless the league is just that good, is complete shannigans. I have bust my butt to be good at this sport and handicap being set at 230 just because a few people have put in the extra time and effort to obtain a 230 plus average is bullcrap. It is sorta like little league for kids nowadays. "He you go Charlie, Here is your last place trophy for never showing up for practice."

If I can figure out how to upload a recap sheet this next paragraph would make much more sense.

But my averages this year are 225-242 depending upon the league. In one league, We use a scoring system that allows teams to win up to 20 points per night. Each placeman on each team bowls against each other (lead off vs lead off) (anchor vs anchor) so 4 points total are possible by individual team members per game and 2 points per handicap game and 2 points for handicap series. This set up along with past experiences has shown me this disadvantages a 225+ avg bowler has going up against a 90% of 230 league. For example, We have bowled 87 games this year and my win percentage is only 44.83% (Won 39 lost 48) with a 232 average. I am constantly losing individual points due to this ungodly high handicap base. So I truly disagree with the handicap being based at 230 unless say the league's avg is 205+.

But back to the post. I like the scratch brackets and what not on Rolltechbowling but I would like to find another site that focuses on a handicap base of 220 max on other contests. There is one that a lot of professional and amateur professional bowlers use on a daily basis and this is one of the sites I am trying to find. Anything would help.


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Re: Does anyone know of online Brackets?
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2017, 12:36:02 PM »
I just started using Other than the handicap being 90% of 230 (230 is way to high), I am really liking it. I would like to join a few other online competitions but I do not know of any others. Can you Ladies and Gentlemen help me out?

Might take a look at
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Re: Does anyone know of online Brackets?
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2017, 12:52:39 PM »
90% of handicap base still gives the advantage to the higher average bowler. You're complaining about handicap when you're clearly a scratch bowler, the simplest solution is to not get in handicap brackets. You're specifically looking for lower based handicap so you have an even bigger advantage


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Re: Does anyone know of online Brackets?
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2017, 01:08:51 PM »
...I have bust my butt to be good at this sport and handicap being set at 230 just because a few people have put in the extra time and effort to obtain a 230 plus average is bullcrap. It is sorta like little league for kids nowadays. "He you go Charlie, Here is your last place trophy for never showing up for practice." ...

Perhaps you prefer bowling alone? That's what will happen if you do not give those "casual, once a week" bowlers a chance.

I agree with what you are saying, but if you don't have a scratch league available to you, then you will have to deal with the average bowler. Ironically, they don't want to hand their money over that easy and they either don't have the time/ambition/ability to become better.
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Re: Does anyone know of online Brackets?
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2017, 01:16:55 PM »
I have bust my butt to be good at this sport and handicap being set at 230 just because a few people have put in the extra time and effort to obtain a 230 plus average is bullcrap. It is sorta like little league for kids nowadays. "He you go Charlie, Here is your last place trophy for never showing up for practice."

Anything handicap based over 220, unless the league is just that good, is complete shannigans. I have bust my butt to be good at this sport and handicap being set at 230 just because a few people have put in the extra time and effort to obtain a 230 plus average is bullcrap. It is sorta like little league for kids nowadays. "He you go Charlie, Here is your last place trophy for never showing up for practice."

If I can figure out how to upload a recap sheet this next paragraph would make much more sense.

But my averages this year are 225-242 depending upon the league. In one league, We use a scoring system that allows teams to win up to 20 points per night. Each placeman on each team bowls against each other (lead off vs lead off) (anchor vs anchor) so 4 points total are possible by individual team members per game and 2 points per handicap game and 2 points for handicap series. This set up along with past experiences has shown me this disadvantages a 225+ avg bowler has going up against a 90% of 230 league. For example, We have bowled 87 games this year and my win percentage is only 44.83% (Won 39 lost 48) with a 232 average. I am constantly losing individual points due to this ungodly high handicap base. So I truly disagree with the handicap being based at 230 unless say the league's avg is 205+.

But back to the post. I like the scratch brackets and what not on Rolltechbowling but I would like to find another site that focuses on a handicap base of 220 max on other contests. There is one that a lot of professional and amateur professional bowlers use on a daily basis and this is one of the sites I am trying to find. Anything would help.

So you're going with the "I have worked my ass off so I deserve to feast on lesser bowlers" defense?  Sorry, it does not work that way.  Just stop bowling handicap events - you're too good for that.  Man up, put your big boy pants on full time, and bowl scratch pots/brackets exclusively.


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Re: Does anyone know of online Brackets?
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2017, 01:34:06 PM »
Try the "Side Action Bowling" app. It's available for both Android and IOS.
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Re: Does anyone know of online Brackets?
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2017, 02:19:50 PM »
I just started using Other than the handicap being 90% of 230 (230 is way to high), I am really liking it. I would like to join a few other online competitions but I do not know of any others. Can you Ladies and Gentlemen help me out?

Might take a look at

I might do this.... I've done it awhile back...once or twice.... this looks more legit... or safer...
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