Yeah, as with many people I could definitely use some improved focus. My mental game is fairly strange anyway.
For instance, you could ask me to throw two identical brand bowling balls drilled identically, but with different color grips. I'll easily average 20 pins higher with the ball with the better looking grips than with the other one, even though they are identical balls that react the same. Basically, if I like the way the ball looks going down the lane, I'll bowl better with it.
Somehow I doubt that guys like Pete Weber and Walter Ray Williams give a rat's *** about how their ball looks!

I go through periods where sometimes I need to concentrate more on my bowling before and after each shot, and other times I go through periods where I want to think about anything BUT bowling between shots.
I must have adult ADD syndrome. Yeah, that's it...

You weren't unlucky when you left that corner pin, so shut up about it already!!