First of all - baking and/or resurfacing might bring it back some. However...
A few issues ago, BTM had an article about the life cycle of a bowling ball. When you first get it, it hooks like mad, and generally outperforms your expectations. They called this stage 1, I think.
Somewhere between 50-100 games, that reaction calms down a bit, and you still have a great ball - just not as aggressive. Stage 2.
After about 300 or so games, it calms down a whole bunch more. Stage 3. Still have an aggressive core, but less in the coverstock - crankers apparently prefer this stage. Stage 3.
Stage 4 - good for a spare ball.
At the time the article came out, I suggested that we started a ranking system on here for folks wanting to buy/sell bowling balls. It got little interest.
-- Whether you believe you can, or you believe you can't - you are right.