The original APP and the succeeding Track versions of Clean and Dull had zero grit in it. That I can virtually guarantee. I have no idea what the new powerhouse version has in it. If it does, they should not call it "Clean and Dull" which has a great reputation.I am still using Track's version of it. I have never tried Powerhouse's version. I do know Ebonite/Powerhouse did change the original instructions for its use.
I also saw the Chris Barnes video on Xtra Frame in which he said C&D had grit in it. I thought he was either totally misinformed or something was wrong with him, as Clean and Dull had never had grit in it of any kind whatsoever, at lest until Powerhouse "got into the act".
If they changed the formula, they should announce it.
"None are so blind as those who will not see." "Some bowlers are crazy as pickled cats."
Edited by charlest on 3/13/2011 at 12:36 PM