Regrettably, how my bowling ball looked going down the lane DID have an effect on whether or not I liked the ball. Silly, but true.
In my case, it was less about color (though color can be a factor), but more about the logos and grips. I liked using black grips and slugs so I looked at the swirling logos to give me an idea of how the ball is rolling. Thing is, for a righty that doesn't work for those "one-sided" logo bowling balls, like the Hammer Vibes, the Lanemasters balls, etc. (the PBA Plastic Spare balls were like this as well). For us righties, the logo is spinning on the backside of the ball going down the lane.
Sometimes I even liked to see "nothing". Case in point, I had an old Vector 2 I was using one season long ago and wasn't bowling so great with it - something like 205 average, despite my teammate telling me that the ball rolled really well for me. In that instance, the swirling logos and green grips were a distraction and I just couldn't see that it was rolling well. One night, I blacked in all the lettering and grips and just concentrated on the ball movement, and I ended up averaging 220 for the rest of the season with that ball. Same friggin ball, but what a difference.
Later on, I had an AMF Triumph TNT that had the logos sanded off and I thought I could replicate the success I had with the Vector. Nope, no such luck, and part of the reason was because I could still see the yellow pin spinning, and I didn't like that. I either want to see a lot of stuff swirling around, or nothing swirling around (not even the pin).
I never said my mental game was strong.

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