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Author Topic: Does it get any better than this!  (Read 1019 times)


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Does it get any better than this!
« on: January 13, 2004, 06:24:52 PM »
Well a little bit but I can't put that on here!

A friend told me this great story.

He said two nights ago in league I hear,
"Hooray",  Then a minute later, "Hooray", claps and cheers.

I go down this so so scoring house and two guys bowling head to head have just finished off 9 in a row!  I ask, "Where they top studs?"  He says, "NO".

Two guys mid 180s to 190s!  

"What happened".

Well, "First guy gets up and fires 3 in a row to cap it", crowd went crazy!

"Then second guy shakes hand of 1st guy, all smiles and he gets up and rapidly flushes every shot!"  Crowd goes absolutely wild!

Note I was at this site this weekend and noted high season series was only 760 for the house!

My friend said the whole thing was just a total upper!

This game can just be great!!!  Sportsmanship, guts and performance!  Awesome!

Feel it!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: Does it get any better than this!
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2004, 11:34:08 AM »
I saw a simmilar situation last thursday night.  A guy on the next pair got a 300 with about 20-30 people behind him on the lanes.  On every shot in the 10th there was an uproar.  He was not a top guy either.  This was the 2nd game.  The 3rd game produced a 299 by another, but I think that it was a little less vocal because I never really heard much until they announced the score.  It was still good to hear the games.
working on my spare game

Phillip Marlowe

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Re: Does it get any better than this!
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2004, 12:59:46 PM »
How about this I saw last week.  Two teams tied in the tenth frame with the anchors up, both on opens, with one pin separating the teams in total.  First anchor gets three in a row to seal totals, while the other anchor cheers for the good work.  The second anchor calmly caps his three in a row to tie the game -- and they come together, shake hands and applaud each other.  That's amazing and great sportsmanship.

One other thing.  Both anchors had struggled all night with a very touchy shot -- and neither would even get 600 or break deuce in the last game.

That kind of scene is why I bowl.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."

Edited on 1/14/2004 2:01 PM
"Some men get the world.  Others get ex-hookers and a trip to Arizona."


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Re: Does it get any better than this!
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2004, 01:25:22 PM »

I didn't see it but wish I had!

Class is not everywhere, but where it exists it's a beautiful thing!


I agree, great times, great competition and the occassional class opponent make it all fun.


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Does it get any better than this!
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2004, 01:46:49 PM »
If I might add!

As Becky so eloquently said.

"Mr. Lucky, A new Jaquar(not true but new to me), a moonroof, a full moon, and the most beautiful blonde you've ever seen in your life at your side", "DOES it get ANY better than this?"

I had no doubts then, but now, I'm not so sure.

If I could have been that second guy.........., it's a tossup!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Does it get any better than this!
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2004, 09:31:07 PM »
Tonight we had another similar situation.  Both bowlers average about 200.  They both strike out thru the 9th.  First one gets up, strikes, next shot he pulls land leaves the 6.  Ends up with a 289.  His opponent's first ball solid strike.  The 2nd ball- Stone 8!  He ends up with a 289.  It was kinda funny with the 2nd guy cause he is a little bit of a foul mouth, but it was still good for the both of them.
working on my spare game