Here's an idea,
It would be nice if they did a "Retro/Vintage" ball reviews,IJKITIRRFF!!!!
There are several balls then that do damage now,maybe except the heavy flooded
conditons,but it's just a typed thought.
Also for me if I see that a BALL has over 20 reviews,thats enough looking and obviously has enough info!Whether it be good or bad.Soooooooo,I dont even post a review,why ask for 21st opinion,when 20 is good enough.Thats just an example.
I mess around with bowling balls a lot,if I feel it's less than a 6 (aka ""C"")
I dont need ta post it,I'm sure someone here at BR is gonna bag/rag that particular ball anyways.So,I'll let he/she do that.
I see other posters put score stories(bonehead me included),some do a great job with the specs and all that junk,some do less,but we all try our best and the experience is very real!
I think if you try your darndest,and it looks understandable,with the specs,then you(aka everyone here) are doing fine.
We have things to worry about in REAL LIFE then cyber bashing keyboard style
,even though this topic is one of the lighter ones I've read.
Thats all I gotta type,I couldn't resist this tropic.
I'm off,ta post somewhere else!