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Author Topic: does neone ever post negative reviews?  (Read 3544 times)


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does neone ever post negative reviews?
« on: August 22, 2003, 06:35:37 AM »
seriously now... its almost hard to find ne complaints about balls that couldnt be fixed somehow and often were...the only ones i can find are columbia's hooking at ppls feet...besides that its almost hard to find a negative review on balls on this website. has neone else ever noticed this trend? i mean... theres some balls that have negative reviews but basically its because its either a heavy oil ball that hooks at ppl's feet or a light oil that hooks too much... just looking for others comments on this topic


Phillip Marlowe

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Re: does neone ever post negative reviews?
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2003, 01:14:51 PM »
I stopped posting reviews and took down my reviews after thinking about this issue (and others).  I have come to the opinion that most of the stuff out there is pretty good to excellent and there are very few real dogs.  There is stuff I don't like much, stuff that plain doesn't work for me (mainly lower RG balls) and stuff I HATE, but my reactions are personal and specific.  Whatever knowledge I have can be addressed in posts and responses to questions regarding my experience and observations.

For example I HATED the Red Pulse and Nasty Nail.  HATED. But loads of people loved both. At one time, if you read the reviews I had posted, I had about 10 reviews that could reasonably be called neutral to negative.  But these were not especially useful beyond the objective descriptions of the ball reactions I was seeing.  The weakness of reviews is why I try to get a spectrum of opinion and, if possible, watch people who have games similar to mine throw the ball.
"I'm God's gift to the lanes, sort of comic relief."

Edited on 8/24/2003 1:24 PM
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Re: does neone ever post negative reviews?
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2003, 03:13:44 AM »
I haven’t posted any negative reviews yet. However, I suppose I could if I felt it was worth the effort. Problem is, most balls that don’t work for me often work great for others. I’m sure there are lots and lots of balls in that category. Balls I have tried and as of yet can’t stand:

Track Threat – darned thing won’t carry for me. On some shots it burns up and leaves flat 10’s. On other conditions where it’s not burning up but finishing strong, it’s 4 pin, 4-9, ring 10, or stone 8’s and 9’s. I have the same layout on this ball as some of my other favorites. It just never worked well FOR ME.

Icon 300 – tried it dull, didn’t like it. Tried it shiny, didn’t like it. Frankly, for a heavy oil ball, I prefer my Red Razor urethane “hands down” over the Icon 300.

Original Icon – when I first tried this ball (back in my 16# days), I like it. Now that I have a 15# arsenal, I can’t seem to find a place to use it. It’s too weak for heavy oil, too strong for light oil, and on ANY medium condition the Brunswick Inferno is infinitely better. For some reason, lefties love this Icon, but I haven’t seen to many Righties who like it.

Sling Blade – I drilled one up real tame and HATED it. It either JUMPED off the dry or skated in the oil. This may be a good ‘condition specific’ ball, but as of yet I haven’t found a specific condition that I like it on.

Pearl Beast w/mica – God I hate this ball. Drilled it with the pin over the bridge and the CG under the bridge. It either does nothing or it over-reacts. I think the coverstock is too weak for today’s conditions, but too strong for really dry lanes. I would rather carry around a Black Hammer or Ice Blue Razor for dry conditions.

There – that’s 5 balls that sucked the big one. Happy now????

Funny you should mention the Icon and lefties, I find the same occurence in our house too.  Synthetic lanes.





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Re: does neone ever post negative reviews?
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2003, 03:28:35 AM »
I agree with what has been said before.  Today most balls are: good, or condition specific.  very seldom has there been a "bad" ball.  

As of 3 weeks ago, I would have classified the response as useless ball, I've seen about 18 bowlers, different styles, from crankers to strokers to spinners, on wood and on synthetics using it.  No one was successful.  They did not necessarily shot bad, but they were in the mediocre level (scores).  But 3 weeks ago I saw a lefty do good with the ball, so how do I rate it now?  It is VERY, VERY, bowler specific.  Personally I think, that is a worst rating than lane specific.

Another example, I was looking for a strong pearl.  Members of the site steered me to the Savage pearl.  I could not get it to work on our house shot, and everyone was telling me to junk the ball.  But in a certain league with a shorter oil pattern, the ball was a control/power beast.  Even starting up early (drill was stacked, Pin about 3" from pap), the ball would still finish strong enough to carry.  And if I sent it out too wide, the light hit would swish everything out of the deck.  So is it a junk?  Nope, just condition specific.  I later found out that the lanes in the States are usually oiled shorter and with srontger backends than what we have here.

regards and sorry for the long post.




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Re: does neone ever post negative reviews?
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2003, 03:43:45 AM »
I have probably reviewed about 20 balls on here and the only one I was "negative" about was the WOW, but I am getting it redrilled and will review again after I get to try it out this weekend. Of course the reviews are after I have either thrown the ball for a couple of weeks or a couple of months. I usually dont review a ball past that simply because if it dies or I sell/dont use it, no need to review it again. Speaking of, I need to review two more balls this weekend besides the "new and improved" WOW, at least I hope improved.
If I could only pick up a 7 pin.....


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Re: does neone ever post negative reviews?
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2003, 08:14:06 AM »
I always watched for BowlPro's reviews.If it was negative I knew I would like the ball.Anything they loved would be a dog for me.One man's poison......
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Re: does neone ever post negative reviews?
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2003, 12:55:53 PM »
That would make it tough for you to find a good ball since 95% of bowlpro's reviews are positive.

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Re: does neone ever post negative reviews?
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2003, 04:58:40 PM »
 Thats the truth,but I look for the ones where he's just ok with it till he hits it with the polish. Those are the ones I drill up.I know they will be perfect for me in box finish.
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Re: does neone ever post negative reviews?
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2003, 05:11:23 PM »
OOPS - I forgot about my experiment - I drlled up a Bone XS about 4 months ago. Sorry to disagree with you Charlie - but that was a BAAAAAAD BALL. Probably the worse match of core and coverstock ever. Even worse, no matter what you did the ball would always be BUTT UGLY. Only ball I ever had that would blow the rack on one shot and go pppphhhht-splaaat on the next shot.

RandyO:  Bring that puppy to Granada when you bowl the LVT.  I know three guys who just eat that place alive with their Bone XS.

I emailed Mo PInel, the designer, about how to drill a Bone XS with a 7" pin. Luckily I sold it before I had to drill it.

So, was that the E-mail that made it to Mo's Q&A column in BTM a while back?


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Re: does neone ever post negative reviews?
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2003, 05:59:08 PM »
The majority of folks who congregate this site provide a wealth of information regarding the various products on the market.  This information, combined with the knowledge of one's own game, along with previous likes/dislikes, provide for a great opportunity to match a particular product to their game.  I'm sure there are a number of poor selections that are made by members here, but, as the slogan states, "Before you buy" is a great way to prevent a bad selection from taking place.
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