Lets see...
AMF Black Angle x2
AMF Blue Angle
AMF Nighthawk Menace (black one)
AMF USAF 50th Anniversary ball (NIB)
Brunswick Inferno x2 (1 NIB)
Brunswick Total Inferno
Brunswick Fury Pearl
Brunswick Teal Rhino Pro (NIB)
Brunswick Pro Active Azure Zone
Brunswick Special Edition Red Alert Zone
Brunswick Technology Ventures Burgandy Quantum (NIB)
Columbia Extreme Chaos
Columbia Rock
Columbia Bonanza Yellow Dot
Columbia 13lb Cuda/C
Columbia Cuda/C (NIB)
Columbia Piranha (orange one) (NIB)
Columbia Jinx
Columbia Hijinx
Columbia Wrath
Columbia Wild
Columbia Big Shot x2 (1 NIB)
Columbia White Dot
Ebonite Wave
Ebonite Stinger purple pearl (NIB)
Ebonite Zebra III
Ebonite Angular One
Faball Black Hammer x2 (1 NIB)
Faball Burgandy Hammer (NIB)
Faball Purple Hammer
Faball Pink Hammer x2 (1 NIB)
Faball Blue Pearl Hammer
Storm Blue Thunder
Storm Pacific Storm
Storm Trauma
Storm X-factor Deuce
Track Mutant
Track TKO Triton
Visionary Green Gargoyle
Visionary Violet Gargoyle
Visionary Slate Blue Gargoyle
Visionary B/G Centaur
Visionary AMB Centaur Solid
48 Balls
I know I'm forgettings some. 90% of those balls are either in my bag, or in my closet

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http://http://http://http://Edited on 10/3/2008 8:20 PM