People, especially younger people, argue that bowling has evolved along with all of the technology that comes with it. I would argue that the game has devolved.
Someone said you need a wall for resin to be effective. For resin to be effective, you need squeaky clean back ends which was made possible by machines that both strip and oil at the same time. Prior to sanction machine technology, stripping happened at most one a week and usually just a couple of times a month.
Balls are stronger, hook more, hit harder but somehow the pins haven't gotten harder to knock down but easier. Double void pins, bouncy pin decks and kickbacks all make striking easier. How many times on TV have you seen a bowler leave a solid 8 or 9 and the announcer says the balls simply don't respect the pins?
Until bowling gets back to a place where weak half pocket shots are met with pocket splits not kamikaze scouts, I will simply say that I don't see the game ever returning to a respected sport.