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Author Topic: Domination  (Read 1228 times)


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« on: April 30, 2004, 12:19:07 AM »
Have you ever just had someone’s number in a league?

I bowl in a 3-person league, we bowl 4 games, head to head matches with the person across from you and total for the team. The last 4 years when we have both been in the league, either me or the other guy has had high average.  

Over these years I have won over 75% of our matches. This year I won 22 of 24 match points from him. I seldom win by a large margin but just seem to be able to bowl enough to beat him, whether that is a 190 or 280.

I also have my wife’s number. Now that is not saying a lot but we bowled together in a mixed league for 7 years. She never beat me scratch, never. A few times she shot 220 to 230 but I managed to shoot more. The best was one time I said I would give her 100% handicap that was 50 pins a game. She shot 180 (well over her average of 167) and I shot 240 so she wanted more pins, so I gave her 75. She shot 160 and I shot 240 so she wanted more pins, so I gave her 100 pins handicap. She shot 188 and I shot 290. Everybody was laughing and I refused to give her any more handicap so we agreed not to bowl “against” each other anymore.



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Re: Domination
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2004, 03:31:26 PM »
I don't have anyone like that in my men's league, but there was one guy from our college conference meets who I had beat before we started.  It began last year when we faced off and I beat him all 3 games by less than 10 pins/game.  After that we started to make a joke out of it but it's over now because he graduated.
"If you are a 12 year old girl, and high on marijuana, don't ride your bike."


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Re: Domination
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2004, 05:22:07 PM »
Pinbuster, about your wifes #. Pinbusters is good name for you guys, my
husband is like you, its the speed that helps you guys
beat us. We don't get to bounce pins off the wall to pick
up spares. Oh well its Just a Game.However we love to
see you come through in league and save the day.


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Re: Domination
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2004, 12:59:37 PM »
PB, I thought you were going to brag about your record against Dad.  I think your average against him is 20 pins higher than normal.  

I think in this situation, you have the confidence in your abilities to beat your opponent, whereas he has this lingering doubt in his mind.  Confidence leads to good execution because you are relaxed and can have a smooth armswing (did I just say that about you?).  Your opponent doubts that he can beat you, so he tends to squeeze the ball a little and this leads to errant shots or poor carry.  Either way, you win.

As Bones said, this is similar to individuals who seem to always strike out for a 300 game and those who don't.  Some bowlers just haven't learned how to bowl each frame separately and not worry about the end outcome.


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Re: Domination
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2004, 09:36:55 AM »
yes i will admit to one. My dad who only averages 160 dominates me wehn we bowl each other. I havent beaten him in our saturady league in 2 years. when we bowl against each others team he averages about 200 aginst me. It doesnt matter what i do he does alittel better. But that is life one day i will get him!
Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!

Oil is served Best with fingers!
Why does the 8 Pin laugh at me!



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Re: Domination
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2004, 10:21:44 AM »
I had one woman in a league that just had my number!

She was terrible.  As the night went on her hook just went a way.

One night I buried the last 8 balls and left a 7 pin on 6 of them.

In the 10th she threw a couple of brooklyns to turkey out.

It happened like three league nights in the season.  Oh she didn't miss a spare unless she had a split all 3 league sessions.

She looked like 450 and instead shot 580 every night with a handicap advantage!!!

But then I cycle.  If I'm throwing bad anyone can beat me.  The next week I may be throwing bad and then they get scared!  Sometimes I think they think I've set them up.

Fortunately I'm a believer.  When it goes good it goes very very good!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana