hihihihihihi... today something funny happened..... hihihihihihi
.... the lanes were dryer than usual... and balls had to be played deep and tight... so any ball sent out too far... away... any ball missed didn't strike

The thing was.... the oiling machine was broken... they oiling in the inner part of the boards was not as much as usual... in fact the oil pattern looked (I went down and took a look at the lane) like a block... not much like a THS
so all the guys started to complain

... it went so far that the training was stopped after 3 games.... hahaha
I took the chance and procede... the only one playing on 16 lanes

... the chance to train playing deep... there was not as much oil on the lanes... not as usual... but there was oil!
any try playing the XXXL was futile as THIS ball skidded...
playing the C+ was futile.... THIS ball grabbed

(stronger midlane)
playing the H2O .... I didn't have the ball there.... there never was a real need for the H2O there
(I need to place the ball in a friends locker nad get me a spare key

so I played the mean green M

it was marvelous training... any misstake was punished!
miss the spot more than 2 boards... no strike..
miss the spot more than 4 boards.... split! (washout or 2-4-8-10 etc)
grab the ball.... too strong off the breakpoint and again bad!
don't play the right rev-angle.... skid through etc...
and the dumb people stop training cause :roll: - quotes :
"I can't play the lanes this way!"
"this is !"§T&"/!%"§$%°!!!"
" I payed money to get oil!"
"Even my plastic hooks!"
Didn't they get what chance there was?
Didn't they understand that exactly those conditions are what is to face on the other center's lanes? :twisted:
which we have to play three time this season out of 8 :twisted:
man man man....
I had fun! and I had a marvelous training
Scored lousy.... but learned a lot!
Sebastian Koch
"Have fun and bowl well!"<font face=''Comic Sans MS''></font id=''Comic Sans MS''> - Grayson "Some things are made so even idiots won''t fail using them.... But I ask what about the genius?"<font face=''Comic Sans MS''></font id=''Comic Sans MS''> - Grayson (\_/)
Unoffical Ballreviews.com FAQ
Hot Water Bath - instructions and experience
Bowling lessons and tips VIDEOS - VERY GOOD!
Edited on 9/4/2008 2:24 PM