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Author Topic: Draft Leagues  (Read 1967 times)


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Draft Leagues
« on: December 06, 2012, 09:00:30 PM »
We are looking to do a draft league over the summer.  Can some of you that either currently bowl in one, or who have bowled in one please share any information you have?  Thanks!



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Re: Draft Leagues
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2012, 11:15:38 AM »
I have bowled in a couple:  the way they worked was like this:

Let's assume you have 12 teams.  The top 12 averages of bowlers who want to bowl the league are the team captains.

The lowest of the 12 averages drafts first, then the next lowest up to the highest average who drafts 12th.  In the 2nd round, the highest average drafts 1st, then the 2nd highest.  3rd round goes back to lowest average etc.

You may draft anyone you want.  The idea being however, with the 1st pick, the lowest average team captain would pick the best bowler available.  If you always draft the best bowler available, each of the teams would be fairly balanced average wise.

The downside to this is, lets say it's your pick and the best bowler available is someone you totally cannot stand to bowl with.  Well, you can chose someone else, but your team is weaker average wise as a result.

Perfect Approach Pro Shop

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Re: Draft Leagues
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2012, 11:41:50 AM »
We changed our scratch league to a draft league about 5 years ago. We take top 12 averages as team captains. You must bowl previous year in league to be a captain. First round lowest average drafts first highest last. Second and third round lowest team average drafts first and highest last. Makes you think about who you draft. Do you draft high and pick last or draft lower and get better pick later rounds. There are one or two captains that try to keep same team each year but for the most part, team are different each year.
J. Helton
Perfect Approach Pro Shop


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Re: Draft Leagues
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2012, 11:47:43 AM »
We changed our scratch league to a draft league about 5 years ago. We take top 12 averages as team captains. You must bowl previous year in league to be a captain. First round lowest average drafts first highest last. Second and third round lowest team average drafts first and highest last. Makes you think about who you draft. Do you draft high and pick last or draft lower and get better pick later rounds. There are one or two captains that try to keep same team each year but for the most part, team are different each year.

I like that team average determining the draft order in the later rounds.

Brandon Riley

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Re: Draft Leagues
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2012, 06:39:22 PM »
Draft league is the most fair league you will ever bowl.  All of the teams will begin the year at a similar average and captains can only blame themselves for making poor choices on draft day.
The few top bowlers in the house won't be all on the same team and the advantage that higher bowlers have at 80-90% handicap is eliminated
The only difficulty is finding subs and how to rate people who come from other houses.
Brandon Riley
Hammer Regional Staff