What if you have a large thumb and use a 1 3/8 O.D. sleeve?
Looks like a good item, IF people use common sense. I think i would have to have some type of disclaimer that would not leave me liable for balls being mis-drilled using this device. People can be idiots, and might try to blame the jig for their own mistakes, then try to recoup their loss at your expense.
And, you guys who are so quick to call this idiotic, should remember that it isn't rocket science to drill a ball, ESPECIALLY when you already have one that fits correctly and all you have to do is transfer measurements from one to another. If I can drill a ball, anybody can, and I used to drill quite a few (in my day).
Good transactions list in my profile
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."
Albert Einstein
Edited on 9/22/2009 12:31 PM