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Author Topic: Drill your own ball with hand held drill  (Read 8265 times)


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Drill your own ball with hand held drill
« on: September 22, 2009, 02:21:32 AM »
New product release--drill your own ball at home with a hand held drill!  Watch video @



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Re: Drill your own ball with hand held drill
« Reply #46 on: September 23, 2009, 02:01:47 AM »
This thing is aimed at the DIY crowd - if you're not that type of person, it's OK.

So much is being made of the oval thumb thing - if you get a Vise Exactacated thumb kit, then that problem is solved (it works great, btw).  However, I will say that the Vise kit only supports 1 1/4 and 1 1/2 thumbs - so if you need something bigger than 1 1/8 it seems you're out of luck with this thing.


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Re: Drill your own ball with hand held drill
« Reply #47 on: September 23, 2009, 06:14:55 AM »
no offense kmt, but ur response to my post didnt really explain how u would replicate ovals on fingers and thumbs that are not predrilled or dont use finger inserts. I give u credit for trying to create a product that will be of use to a wide variety of people but i think ur a shortcutting the reason why proshops are in business and thats because we have experience matching layouts and proper pitches with accuracy and repeatability. I dont see how ur jig would allow some of my customers to accurately replicate pitches or table movements that are in the ten thousandths of an inch range. And i dont remember who posted it but safety would also seem to be a concern of mine, operating power tools as easy as they are simply is not for everyone. once again im not trying to take away from ur intiative to bring a new product on the market, i just think u have a long way to go before u have something that will sell.

This device is not going to be for everyone.  Obviously you would have a hard time creating oval shaped holes.  And it is not designed to "take over" the pro shop business.  The intent was to create a product for the bowler who buys 2+ balls per season and who has a certain amount of knowledge about ball layouts.  It is also aimed at the person who uses inserts in all 3 holes and who uses the same span and pitch in all his equipment.  I'm not suggesting that this device will take the place of a drill press or allow a person to go into business with it, thus the  name "KMT PERSONAL BALL JIG".  More drill bits may become available later to allow for different sizes if demand warrants their production.


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Re: Drill your own ball with hand held drill
« Reply #48 on: September 23, 2009, 06:29:58 AM »
Is it a coincidence that the person who just made an account also put up a comment on youtube on the video that it works great and has the same username? I dont think so...! Go to the original video and look at the comments. It's both atreyn11.
When life gives you lemons, throw them at people, you won't have any lemonade but at least you'll feel better!

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atreyn11 was my first customer.  Someone suggested that I need testimonials from people who have used this device.  He has used it successfully on his own equipment so I asked him to post his comments anywhere and everywhere.  No one is trying to be "sneaky" here.


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Re: Drill your own ball with hand held drill
« Reply #49 on: September 23, 2009, 07:34:32 AM »
Im at work so I can only watch the short video. It is an ok idea in theory but I think it may not end well for many people.

I drill my own equipment. My brother worked in a proshop for years and we bought a Jig with a full set of bits off ebay for about $250 in 2000.(a rare and great deal for that price even at that time)

We then bought a bench top drill press for $200 at lowes and have been drilling balls every sense.

Occasionally you still see similar jigs like the one we purchased on ebay for around $250-$300. Then you could buy just the 3 or 5 drill bits that you would need for yourself from jayhawk and a press for about $200 and have a much more stable, professional system then what I've gathered from this vid for around $100 more.

The setup isn't the concern though. The lack of knowledge is.

Especially if they are right handed and order a asymmetric bowling ball with the cg kicked two inches right of the center grip line.

The chance of a costly mistake is very good.
" hand, don't step on the lanes without some "

I think you've made my point...your used system cost $100 more.  As to asymetrical balls, you're correct.  You can't be sure it's legal without a scale with this device or for that matter, any other device, and you may not want to attempt these drillings.  However, if you're the bowler who buys 2+ balls per season, you probably are familiar with different ball layouts and drilling patterns, and if you're drilling a ball with 3 oz. of top weight and you are moving the CG 2-3 inches off center, you should know that you are creating a ball with approximately 2 oz. of side weight.  Therefore, you have to remove 1 oz. from that side of the ball to keep it legal, which can easily be done with the 1-1/8 drill bit.  That being said, I will also say that balance hole placement is not quite that simple and you need to do some reading to make sure you're putting the hole in the right spot, but as the man said earlier, drilling bowling balls is not rocket science and you don't need a masters degree to do it.  And if you should make a mistake, you can always bring your ball into the pro shop and have them fill the incorrectly drilled balance hole for about $10.  In my shop, I've repaired my share of incorrectly drilled balls.  There are more un-educated pro shop operators out there than you would expect.


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Re: Drill your own ball with hand held drill
« Reply #50 on: September 23, 2009, 08:16:27 AM »
Positive "access" point? Hope that's just a misinterpretation by whoever added the text to the main 30 minute video.
If you were both cross-eyed and dyslexic, would you see okay?


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Re: Drill your own ball with hand held drill
« Reply #51 on: September 23, 2009, 08:36:24 AM »
Positive "access" point? Hope that's just a misinterpretation by whoever added the text to the main 30 minute video.
If you were both cross-eyed and dyslexic, would you see okay?

Thanks for the "heads up". I didn't catch that one.


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Re: Drill your own ball with hand held drill
« Reply #52 on: September 23, 2009, 08:53:57 AM »
I'm assuming that you're a pro shop owner, and probably a bowler, so consider many times have you been to an "out of town" tournament and had to buy a ball on site because you didn't bring the right one with you?

Never.  If I am going to make an investment to travel out of town to a tournament, I'm going to make damn sure I have all conditions covered with a thorough arsenal.

You could drill the new ball yourself in the parking lot if you wanted to.

The day someone in a parking lot with this device can drill 4 balls and have the spans end up within 1/64th of an inch and hit my oval cuts to within a couple of thousandths, I'll be a believer.  Until then I'll continue to meet my tolerances on an Ovalmatic.

May have been a bit harsh in the first post, but so is reality.  I'm sorry that is my initial reaction to this thing.  Make sure your legal department makes it impossible for anyone to sue you for personal injury and real property damage resulting from the use of this device.  You may even want to include a waiver with the owner's manual.

Wow, maybe we should all be so lucky as to have a "drillmaster" at our disposal.

Sorry that we aren't all so blessed.

Trust me, I had more than 7 balls drilled by a "pro shop" - at more than $50 each - only to find out that each was different.  Spans off by 1/4".  No 2 thumb holes the same.  

Tell the guy the thumb is just a bit tight and he opens it up so much that you need to add 4 pieces of tape to even get close to a decent fit - or you can leave it for a week to have it plugged and re-drilled.

Yes, there may be an art and science to drilling balls properly, but all you need to open a shop is a couple of tools and a business license.


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Re: Drill your own ball with hand held drill
« Reply #53 on: September 23, 2009, 05:38:02 PM »
How do you drill an oval thumb hole?!?!?!

Install an oval insert

I didn't know even know those were made anymore let alone that people still used them.

Vise makes a pro vynil oval that is actually pretty good. Just cost about 5 bucks.
Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.


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Re: Drill your own ball with hand held drill
« Reply #54 on: September 23, 2009, 10:59:05 PM »
Anything to take away from the small business owner! Geesh! I prefer to pay my local guy to drill a ball. I don't buy off the internet because I have been ripped off before with a bad pin, bad cg mark, and even one ball with a small crack. They said it happened during shipping and they would not replace, especially since it was an overseas release.

See your local certified guy. That is what they are there for.


As it's been said already, a "local guy" isn't always an option.  Just because you own a pro shop doesn't mean you know what you're doing.  The guys that are losing business mostly deserve to lose that business.  It's great that you have a guy close by that you trust, so do I, and when my guy quits drilling, I will most likely go out and buy my own press because there aren't a lot of guys around that I trust.
It IS next year!


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Re: Drill your own ball with hand held drill
« Reply #55 on: September 24, 2009, 09:57:25 AM »
OK!!!  There seem to be a lot of skeptics out there!!  As I said before, this device is not for everyone.  In fact, I expect the potential market for this device to be less than 1% of the bowling public.  However, if you think you MIGHT be interested in buying but are reluctant to spend money on a new invention, and you fit the user profile for this device, and you know how to use a power drill, E-mail me and I'll make you an offer you can't refuse in the interest of getting them into the hands of the public.

For all of you pro shop owners out there, there seems to be an unexpected surprise that has come from this invention---the drill bits!  I've been using them in my shop in my drill press and they don't drift on dense core balls like the standard bits do.  Everyone who has tried them so far agrees that they leave a "cleaner" hole and require less effort than the standard bits.  E-mail me if you're interested.


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Re: Drill your own ball with hand held drill
« Reply #56 on: September 24, 2009, 12:39:48 PM »
If this works, it is pretty neat. For those of us that don't have a local pro shop in town, and have to drive 50 or 60 miles to get a balled drilled with varying results, this might be an option.

With this problem and no viable alternatives, I chose to purchase a drill press and AMF gig and learn to drill my own ball. Next came the spinner, bevel sander, pitch guages, etc. and an unavoidable learning curve (Haus machine next on my list). Same would likely be the case with someone serious about drilling their own balls that bought this device.

I say, if you don't have a reliable source to drill your balls, go for it, or purchase the most sophisticated drilling set up you can justify and afford. I am glad I did.

Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.

Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.