If this works, it is pretty neat. For those of us that don't have a local pro shop in town, and have to drive 50 or 60 miles to get a balled drilled with varying results, this might be an option.
With this problem and no viable alternatives, I chose to purchase a drill press and AMF gig and learn to drill my own ball. Next came the spinner, bevel sander, pitch guages, etc. and an unavoidable learning curve (Haus machine next on my list). Same would likely be the case with someone serious about drilling their own balls that bought this device.
I say, if you don't have a reliable source to drill your balls, go for it, or purchase the most sophisticated drilling set up you can justify and afford. I am glad I did.
Those that can do. Those that can't complain. Pimpin ain't easy, but it's mandatory.
Most things we like, we don't need. Most things we need, we don't like. Don't confuse your likes with your needs.