First of all I think Pchless is spoofing us!
Second of all I for any pitch mistakes or bevel expect my driller to fix those for free. Recently my favorite guys just screwed up a drilling for a guy and gave him a righty drilling and he's lefty. (As he said, "not sure why I'm not getting the reaction I'm expecting").
As to ball reaction, my good friend who is a wonderful ball driller and great bowler who's been in the business for about 15 years believes it is sort of hit or miss.
Even for himself he believes he can drill two balls for himself from the same company and get two different results or reactions. One great and one so so.
Then he says there are just balls that make a driller look good. Example the Demolition Zone, he says I could drill one of those just about anyway for anybody and they'd be happy. Then there are others (usually heavy oil monsters used inappropriately), that you are lucky if almost half of the people want to return them, no matter how drilled!
Then there are the bowlers. He has one guy who is a great bowler with a 3 1/2 pin to pap who always wants to copy other bowlers drillings(pin off to side of ring finger) about 1 1/2 inches from pap and can't figure out why he has trouble generating backend. If you give him a 4 1/2 inch pin to pap(over middle finger he is convinced before he even throws it won't work.
Tough business. Glad I'm not in it.
Regarding bowlers and pet peeves, Once worked in a ladies shoe store in college. "M'ame, you need a 9 1/2 D." She, "Oh no, I wear an 8 1/2 B"
OK! And they'll walk out of there with their feet so stuffed in to those things and be happy!