Ok, last yr while bowling i had a couple times where several of the guys i bowl with or know would get into a conversation about the state of bowling in our area. Or we would talk about different people and how they bowl n stuff, and one guy on my league who happends to be our Association president has a couple times told me how i should change my style and stuff and that would make me a better bowler. And of course i would snap back and say that there is nothing wrong with my style and the of course he would make a reply about someone on our league who has a 230+ average, and say well obviously he is doing something right since he is carring a much higher average. My average ended at i think 206 i think, maybe a pin or so either way. But anyways the guy he was refering to all he does is play the track, up 2nd arrow. And i myself play anywhere from 5th arrow to 2nd arrow, depending on what the lanes are playing. And yes i have a higher than normal back swing and put a lot of revs on the ball. But here i am able to play basically anywhere on the lane and carry the same average 24/7. And he is comparing me to someone who plays the track all the time and carries a average 20+ pins higher. And this comment comes from a guy who is a LEFTY of all things, And he considers himself better than me too, because he carries a higher average. Yet i have seen these guys totally be lost when the shot change a lil bit cuz of being in michigan the lanes change cuz of humidity and temp. And yet on the same shot i shoot the same or better. Because i am not stuck playing the track. And i personally have heard both of these guys complain about the conditions at STATE and Nationals. The guy who carries a 230avg, this past yr was complaining about how after bowling singles and doubles, he was bowling team and was playing close to 6th arrow cuz the heads where totally burned out. And when he told me that i was just like cry me a freakin river! I mean i guess it just gets to me yet makes me laugh at how narrow minded people are when they think in terms of how good someone is, as by judging the person on the basis of someones league average. I bowl in a scratch tournament series and have had success and failures but, i have learned how to bowl on a wide variety of conditions, yet these two guys are no where to be found when these tournaments are happening. And this past yr, i had one tournament where i went +142 over 4 games of qualifiying, and then the next tournament i go +8 in qualifying, yet come back from being down -70 after the first two games to end up +8. But i am sure everyone has heard of stories like mine so please feel free to vent on these people!