its been a while since i threw my VG so i took it to league Friday and noticed something odd.
First.. When i got the VG i had a limited arm swing (back & shoulder issues) so i didn't have much of a backswing but still had 15mph at pins) after a while of visiting chiro i gor my range of movement. I picked up the VE once it came out and had it drilled (by a diff. pro shop then the VG - used VG to get pap). I liked the VG but loved the VE.
this past Friday i found that with complete backswing i can not put the same revs on the VG as i can the VE, Freeze,.. If i stop my backswing at 1/2 way point (adjusting approch) i can use the vg , keeping the axis rotation no more than 45deg where the ve i throw 25-90deg and the freeze 25-90deg ..
I recently had the pro shop that drilled my VG resurface the VE (was tracked out and in need of it) but not sure he but it to oob (220 then step 2) the reason i think this it the ball goes LONG and barley moves.. my freeze out hooks it...
the VE used to be a monster for me and now that i have my own spinner i'll find a new surface that will work well, but the problem with the VG i am stumped on. I know the balls have the same core and they are both the same weight (bathroom scale reads 15.5 for both) but the VG feels heavier and even with a shorter backswing i still don't get the revs i normally get on everything else.
would the rev prob be the drilling or was it just the oil volume.
What would cause 2 balls that weight the same to feel like 1 is 5lbs heavier.
just thought of something... finger weight...
- when holding the VG in stance it wants to pull away from thumbroll forward, the VE & and Freeze will sit in my hand. if that makes any sense..