My suggestion is to follow the advice of both Mac and Kid. The 2-handed style can be extremely tricky to drill for and without seeing you throw a ball, We're pissing in the wind. For example, I can throw the ball 2handed. With 1 hand, My axis rotation is around 60 degrees, tilt 13 degrees, PAP is 5.5" left and 1" up, and rev rate is 350. So I use a lot of medium to shorter pin to PAP layouts (2.75" to 4.5") with the CG in the palm to avoid a weight hole. The reason is I want the ball to flare up earlier and roll rather than flip.
On the other side, 2 handed, AR is like 10 degrees, tilt is at 0 almost, PAP is 6.5" left and 0, and the rev rate goes up into the 450's. If I were to go 2 handed, the layouts I use 1 handed hook 15 ft downlane and roll the rest of the way. I would need to severely adjust the layouts so the ball gets downlane. Im giving this example to back the earlier points made and stress the importance of finding out this information. Without it, even with your description, AGAIN, we're pissing in the wind.
Go to you driller, find out you PAP, tilt, and axis rotation (which can kind of be guesstimated by a piece of tape and your driller watching the ball) Not exact but atleast it'll get the ball rolling. Then you can go through the idea of what you want out of the ball and what your options are as far as what is possible in the ball and how that affects the layout. For you, being 2handed, you pin to PAP with symmetricals should be no shorter than 4.5" to 5" and no longer than about 4" on asymmetricals (generally 2.75" to 3.5"). Then after all this is done, you can discuss what surfaces work for you as to what you are bowling on. For you, nothing more than 2000 and a good benchmark should be 4000 and/or a light polish.
I hope all this helps. Remember, TALK TO YOUR DRILLER!!!!