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Author Topic: Increased Number of 7 10s  (Read 2365 times)


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Increased Number of 7 10s
« on: February 15, 2013, 09:43:16 AM »
A few weeks back, I made a couple smalll changes in my game to gain a little  ball speed. It has allowed me to play the lanes straighter, better match revs to speed, and over all increased carry and the number of makable spares.  With one exception...  Dreaded pocket 7 10s! 

Over the past 5 weeks (since the changes), I have averaged leaving three of these a week (plus leaving a few 7s or 10s where a messenger takes out one or the other)!  I'm not sure I had left that many in the previous season.  This alone has nearly negated any scoring improvements I've experienced from increasing speed. 

Is it simply a matter of poor entry angle ( ball pushing too far down the lane)?   To me, the shots leaving the splits appear essentially the same as shots that carry.

This past week, I started with the front 5, left back to back to back 7 10s, and punched out for a 220 game...  Rather frustrating...

Any ideas?



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Re: Increased Number of 7 10s
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2013, 09:47:38 AM »
Yes it is the ball pushing too far down the lane. Ball motion has three phases, skid, hook, roll. If your ball is still hooking when it gets to the pins you will see deflection and bad hits out of otherwise decent looking shots.

Try slightly lower surface prep and closer pin to PAP layouts to try and help the ball get from the hook to roll phase earlier. Nothing drastic as you obviously have the pocket lined up, just slight tweaks to get the corners out better.


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Re: Increased Number of 7 10s
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2013, 03:49:41 PM »

I'd suggest that you didn't change your breakpoint when you amped up your ball speed. More speed = less lane grab or friction. You need to see more dry/friction and/or earlier dry with a higher ball speed.

So, I think you're not getting as much angle or as much drive with the higher ball speed.

So you need to see more friction via a different breakpoint (possibly further outside and/or earlier) or you need more ball surface.

But you can't vary your ball speed back and forth. The changes affect ball path, friction needed and surface needed and/or flare required.
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Re: Increased Number of 7 10s
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2013, 10:06:07 PM »
I'll throw another idea out there, beyond just failing to get the ball into a roll.  Most of my 7-10s, late 10s, etc. tend to be when I get a ball rolling too early. Rolls flat, no tilt, no carry.  Did you reduce tilt to increase speed and play straighter?


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Re: Increased Number of 7 10s
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2013, 06:30:21 PM »
Possibility as well...  In my case certainly would be pushing further down the lane.  Finally able to play the track area, but feel sometimes coming in behind headpin.  I'm going to try a 2k abralon with polish, instead of the 4k....


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Re: Increased Number of 7 10s
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2013, 02:43:38 PM »
Hit the surface with 360, followed lightly touching with 2000 and polished.  Must have worked... For the first time in a while, didn't leave a 7-10...  Seemed to kill the some of the ball reaction though..  forced to play further right than I have in quite some time (outise of 2nd arrow all night!). 