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Author Topic: Dropping from a 15 to a 14 lb ball  (Read 47829 times)


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Dropping from a 15 to a 14 lb ball
« on: May 03, 2012, 09:29:32 AM »
Has anyone here dropped from 15 to a 14 lb ball? If so, what what impact to your game did it have and what changes did you have to make? I may have to do this do to medical issues.
John VanDrie

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Re: Dropping from a 15 to a 14 lb ball
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2012, 10:50:54 AM »
I've been changing to 14lb from 15lb and I'm still trying to figure why I didn't go lighter sooner!! I drilled a Wicked Siege for a friend that had triple heart bypass and the dr. told him that he could start bowling, but had to use 12lb. I had a lady that gave me a very little used Wicked, so I plugged the thumb, changed grips and sized it for him. When he came in to try it out, it could put my hand in it and roll it. He saw me hooking the whole lane on Kegel Stone St. pattern and thought I was using my ball. I told him that it was his and he watched me throw about 6 strikes in a row and he was as amazed as me. I've had several people roll that lighter ball and they told me that I would have told them about the reaction, they said they wouldn't believe it! Most lighter weight balls use the same shape, 14lb to 16lb, they just adjust the material for the core to make it not a dense and lighter. The 12lb & 13lb Wicked uses a different core, but it's still asymmetrical. Good luck to you and I don't think you'll see much difference!! Just my $02, Bruce
Bruce Campbell
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Re: Dropping from a 15 to a 14 lb ball
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2012, 11:20:24 AM »
I haven't personally attempted the 15 to 14 switch, but I know several 220-230 average bowlers who have, and watched their attempts closely.

Unfortunately, I haven't witnessed anyone have the success Bruce described. There might be some styles that see success, but overall what I've seen is less carry. 

My most personal experience was with my doubles partner. I bought 2 new 14# balls for him as he was coming back from elbow issues, and over a 3-month period, his league average tanked 15 pins. Out of frustration, he stated practicing with his old 16# stuff, and his carry (and average) shot back up as soon as he made the return transition. 

You'll have to make your own evaluation with time and experience over multiple conditions. For you, I hope the experiment works out.

Gill Man

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Re: Dropping from a 15 to a 14 lb ball
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2012, 07:41:30 PM »
Velcroman  -  I had to drop to 14lb equipment several years ago due to shoulder
issues. I personally feel my average has not suffered to the change. I do occasionally leave the 5-7 split , which gets me some good-natured teasing
for not throwing a "man's weight". However when I point out that my 215
average is 10-20 pins higher than anybody elses average on the team, that
shuts them up! My biggest issue can be my ball speed. When I throw it harder,
combined with my lower rev rate, I do see carry issues. I feel my accuracy has
improved with the 14's however. Good luck with your decision.

Gill Man


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Re: Dropping from a 15 to a 14 lb ball
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2012, 07:42:25 PM »
I dropped down to 14lb's from 15lbs.  It took awhile to adjust but am glad I did it.  One of the main issues I had was throwing past my breakpoint.  Once I adjusted either the cover or my actual speed, everything was just fine.  Most companies have their dynamic weight blocks in 14-16 pounds.  Some even go down to 12lbs.  As long as you have the correct entry angle into the pocket, it doesn't really matter throwing 14 or 15. 


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Re: Dropping from a 15 to a 14 lb ball
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2012, 10:32:55 AM »
I feel that bowling on THS, it makes no difference.  Med to Dry, 14lb balls will hit and carry just as well as the heavier ones.  I think the big differene is on a heavy oil pattern.  I feel on this type of pattern the ball will deflect a bit too much.  Of course, a lot will depend on your speed and rev rate.  Either way, its well worth it to try it out.


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Re: Dropping from a 15 to a 14 lb ball
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2012, 04:03:58 PM »
I agree with Stan

One year, I bowled in a league with carrydown extremis.  Or stripper failure surprisingly only on the left side that year. 

All of our top lefties dropped about 15 pins!  Except one guy with a 16.  He just kept on averaging about 225 and his hit was it's usual BIG!

I say if the backs are slop, 16 will outhit 15 every time!  15 will outhit 14 and so on.

Fresh dry backends, you can just take your mv squared formulas and they work every time.

Never forget, you are moving about 36 pounds of pins down there!

Crush em!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

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Re: Dropping from a 15 to a 14 lb ball
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2012, 04:57:05 PM »
If you have to change due to a medical reason then I think that's the right decision for you to make. However, unless you are a power player I think your carry will suffer in the long run. Good luck !


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Re: Dropping from a 15 to a 14 lb ball
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2012, 08:12:46 PM »
I started the switch 2 years ago.  Noticed less fatigue when bowling up to 10 games of practice.  Able to generate more speed and revolutions.  Did start seeing a few unusual splits like the 3-4 and combinations with that plus a few more solid 8's and 9's. Now is that because I have faster ball speed and throwing it better, maybe?  All I know is if you have to go to a lighter weight ball don't worry just give it time and  you'll be enjoying the game you love or you can call it quits and say "I use to bowl but now I just like to watch." Hopefully you choose to stick with it and have fun!! Hang in there!!


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Re: Dropping from a 15 to a 14 lb ball
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2012, 09:04:25 PM »
As long as you can "wait" on the ball, proper leverage will let it hit just fine. I switched over ten years ago. I can bowl longer, more consistently than I ever have. I can get the ball to charge the headpin stronger now than when I was 30 with 15 lbs. Man I know tore a bicep and came back with 12 lb stuff. That Plague and Blue Hammer remake were good for 700+ any night of the week. He doesn't know if he will go back. Don't worry about the what if's. If it is a medical deal, do what you have to. The bowling will be fine.


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Re: Dropping from a 15 to a 14 lb ball
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2012, 08:28:18 AM »
I switched myself about 5 years ago and for me was the best thing I did.. Going down  to 14lbs gave me more ball speed and more revs giving me better pin carry and raising my average of course.. So I think its a personal preference or opinion, but worked for me


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Re: Dropping from a 15 to a 14 lb ball
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2013, 08:49:36 AM »
Just dropped in weight myself (15 to 14). My speed has increased 3 mph and my revs have gone off the chart. My carry is insane (a lot of wild messengers). I no longer leave 10 pins and my average is 211 up from 185. It just may be switching to storm from Brunswick as suggested by the local pro or it may be the weight change. Either way I am rocking the new storm IQs.
G. Elliott


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Re: Dropping from a 15 to a 14 lb ball
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2013, 03:00:02 AM »
I dropped from a 16 to a 14. I gained more control. Shot my best of 257 right after switching. My average went from 180 to 204. Also I can play all night without getting tired where the 16 left me tired after 2 games.