My mom lives in a smaller town with only one bowling alley. The owners have let the place run down and basically don't care to even keep the place clean. This attitude really showed itself when the Women's City Tournament was trying to compete and the desk personnel scheduled a kid's birthday party right next to them. They didn't even explain to the parents that there was a tournament going on. When the city Secretary went to the front counter to ask them to move the birthday party, the counterperson just sent her back to the owner/manager. The owner then proceeded to tell the city secretary that the birthday parties were more important than the city tournament. She then followed that comment up by emphasizing that their city tournament was not even wanted, neither are the league bowlers. This owner believes that open play and birthday parties are where the money is at. Of course this was only part of the problems. Various machine breakdowns all the time, total filth, uncourteous staff, etc.
The men's and women's city associations are now fed up. They are meeting with leagues that don't want to bowl anymore. Since this season is underway and nearing an end, nothing will likely get changed this year. However, the associations are ready to tell bowlers to go elsewhere or just quit. They are proposing a delay to next season until November or until improvements are made. I feel sorry for them because the bowlers just want to have fun.
As a bowling fan, I hate to see our sport lose more participants, but the only alternative is for them to travel 30-60 miles one way. My father is a former city President that finally gave up and makes that drive every week and has done so for almost 10 years now. He couldn't take it any longer.
Thanks for letting me air this out. Does anyone have any suggestions? This town keeps waiting for a new bowling alley, but no one has stepped forward.
P.S. I just heard that the other center these owners have, which is in Wichita, has filed for bankruptcy. It seems like if there was competition on the other center, that it would go bankrupt as well.