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Author Topic: Dropping ring finger some  (Read 4019 times)


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Dropping ring finger some
« on: March 21, 2017, 11:01:29 PM »
Experiencing pain in my ring finger knuckle. I'm wondering if I drop my ring finger hole just a touch if that'll help. What are some of the reasons people have dropped the ring finger down some on your equipment if you have?
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Ken De Beasto

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Re: Dropping ring finger some
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2017, 12:15:51 AM »
I recently moved up my ring finger and I love it. I was feeling ring finger pain whenever i threw  flatter or untucked pinky. Me and my driller decided to experiment and I went from 0 pitch in fingers to reverse 3/8 and just like that feels great. I'm not saying it will 100% fix your problem but it don't hurt to experiment.


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Re: Dropping ring finger some
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2017, 03:23:37 AM »
I recommend that you have your "pro" actually measure the distance of BOTH fingers when drilling a ball. There are some drillers out there that only measure the middle  finger. This is a hold over from conventional grip day when the ring finger span was a little longer than the middle finger. I have seen this happen much too often. I find that my ring finger is a little shorter than my middle.  My span is actually 4-3/4 x 4-5/8.

He did. I remember us running through the two fingers measurements individually. I'm wondering if since I switched to tucking my pinky, and I tuck it to the second joint not just the first, that maybe I've created a less than healthy alteration. I'll have to run this discussion with him as well next week for his thoughts.

Is a 1/16th adjustment very noticeable?

That was my other thought: if you're using the pinky tuck, maybe 1/16" would be enough to reduce the pain and stress.

Yes, 1/16" is noticeable. I am not saying this to brag but one ball my PSO drilled felt slightly short to me. I used it a few times and it just didn't feel right. I took it back to him and remeasured it 3 or 4 times in front of me before telling me the ring finger span was off 1/32", as near as he could tell. Needless to say I didn't ask him to fix it; it was too slight, too small to ask him to do that.

Interesting, I'm surprised you noticed 1/32" difference. I guess when we get accustomed to a very particular feel, the smallest of differences are noticed. I'll discuss a 1/16" change with him and go from there for the drilling aspect.

Still planning on the doctor opinion as well.

What about altering pitches? Did you venture down that road too?

No one was more shocked than I was when he told the virtually insignificant amount - 1/32". Honestly, afterwards, I felt pretty stupid asking him to check it.

For whatever reason, my finger joints have stayed fairly flexible, given my having arthritis in so many other joints; I never felt the need for reverse pitch in the fingers, while a younger friend has needed to go to 5/8" reverse. The amount of pitch has to do with your personal flexibility; don't hesitate to ask your driller if he/she thinks it will be beneficial for you.
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