Went to practice today, was feeling pretty good about myself since I threw 688 on tuesday practicing with my good friend. I threw my first ball to see what was going on with the lanes.(threw my Hex) Rolled over center arrow out to about 10 and the ball just well..hooked into the left gutter. Not believing what I just saw I did it again, picked off the 7 pin clean from the rack. My hex is the weakest ball in my bag (other than my white dot) so things weren't looking good. After trying a few different hand positions and eventually I was finishing with my slide foot in front of the left gutter, the ball was STILL overhooking. So I opened my wrist up(which I never have to do since my rev rate isn't real high) and was throwing it as far left as I could without pitching it in the gutter. Ball never came back. Moved my mark in 5 boards. Overhooked. Moved it back out 3 boards, underhooked. Moved it back 3, overhooked. So I decided to throw my plastic ball, yeah my plastic ball. Rolled it right up first arrow, ball never came off never turned (what I expected) I decided to throw over 2nd arrow next....white dot went brooklyn. Kept moving around but it was nothing but Over/Under, even with my white dot. Can someone tell me wth your suppose to do when your ball is reading the lane this badly. Mind you I am quite accurate, it's just that my ball speed is slow and my rev rate isn't real high. Anyone know what to do. I threw 219,185,163,143,135,198, my worst scores in a while. Anyone ever experienced lanes like this and know how to find a consistent spot? Ask me if I need to tell you something else about the lanes or w/e.
-If you're not willing to change, you're not willing to improve.
-Life is like a coin, you can spend it any way you want, but you can only spend it once.
-I will forever love this great game, I love the people and the competition, I only wish the best would get the recognition of an ATHLETE that they deserve.