Today we decided during the house league meeting to change the format... to avoid sandbagging and to make it a bit more challenging:
the league has a total of 26 teams which in the past were devidid into three divisions: A, B and C
but in the past the handicap system was exploited as it is calculated ongoing so scoring bad in the first games gave a big handicap in the following games....
Now the new format was welcomed among us teamcaptains with great agreement among us all:
all teams are devided into four equal divisions A - B - C - D but by mere luck and coincidence... teams were drawn into the four groups and so the 4 groups will play a normal league with first round and second round 1vs1 point ranking to see who is best within their group... to get a ranking
what is the thing about this... simple... it is not over then..
the "first" rounds will make a ranking
and then all the
first and second placed teams within all groups will play in one group point ranking... one round... best gets the #1 trophies (best 3 teams of the 1st and 2nd of the initial 4 groups get throphies etc)
the 3rd and 4th placed teams of the 4 groups will play in one group to the the #2 trophies
and the 5th and 6th for places #3 (again three places)
like in the past when we had three divisions with three places each division but the idea is that it will force all to play good the first rounds to get into #1group... or make it even in #2 group cause doing not good will place you in #3 group...
Now... I don't like this system 100% cause I would have make a single round to devide the teams into the three "trophy-fighting" groups and then play within those groups two rounds so there is a better chance to get the trophy when you do bad the first time facing an opponent....
Now you have to do your best in the second round cause you have only one chance to beat the opponent. Now no second chance... do your best and do it then or fail!
why would I have prefered the version with one round deviding the teams into the 3 "fighting" groups and have then two round in the fight for the trophies?
#1: cause then it is for the trophy... now it is the first two round just for the groups ... the third... for trophy... now second chance then as I already said.
#2 As the version 2-2 was not possible (to many games)..
now we have the version 2-1 but this provides again a possibility to "cheat" with handicap... cause the handicap will be carried over into the last - into the third... the cruciual round... cause then it counts...
I bet... I bet there will be teams that will sandbag giving away places#1/ getting into group#1 but carry as much handicap into the third round to get as much out of the group #2... group#3 is for the people that just play 4fun

Now what you think?
Kind of a tournament over the whole season.... I'll see how it works out
Sebastian Koch
"Have fun and bowl well!"<font face=''Comic Sans MS''></font id=''Comic Sans MS''> - Grayson "Some things are made so even idiots won''t fail using them.... But I ask what about the genius?"<font face=''Comic Sans MS''></font id=''Comic Sans MS''> - Grayson (\_/)
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Edited on 9/1/2008 4:31 PM
Edited on 9/1/2008 4:34 PM
Edited on 9/1/2008 4:51 PM