just wanted to clear up the confusion over the lane condition at the tournament held memorial day weekend at cloverleaf family bowl in fremont, california. we have held this tournament for several years now at this center and the shot has always been somewhat soft. i always ask for a tougher shot, but this is the first time that the center management ever even entertained the thought. for this tournament, 7-7 was the normal house shot with more than normal oil to the outside creating some ob. we wanted to eliminate the "miss by 5 or boards to the outside and still smash the pocket" shot. with that in mind, the shot on saturday set up differently than the shot on sunday. on saturday, you have a house full of juniors before the tournament started. after the juniors were done, the oiling commenced. the lane machine only oiled the heads introducing an element of carrydown to contend with. on sunday, the back ends were clean with the same head oil pattern. anyway, hope this clears up any questions anybody may have had about the condition. if i gave the impression to anyone that the shot was any more than what i just described, i apologize. the tough part in running tournaments is to make the shot hard enough so that people who bowl well feel good about it, but not so tough that they will never come back.