I did manage to throw the C4 Ordnance a little, but not much to report. I got it drilled the day after our sport shot league and threw it about 2 games on leftover Turnpike. The insides were pretty burnt but outside of 5 there was some oil. It was hard to gauge how clean the ball was based on the conditions, but it definitely had a rounder shape down lane than the Venom Shock, so I was happy with that.
Last night was Shark (48'). Pretty juicy to start, so I used my Phase II early. I fished around after the first transition. The VS was a little too clean/jerky - rang a few 10's on shots that looked pretty good. I was hoping the C4 might be an OK choice next - similar reaction shape to the PII but weaker. Maybe that was a bad assumption? It was definitely cleaner than the PII, but really didn't do anything to speak of at the break point. I didn't buy the C4 to open up the lane or anything, but I thought it would have handled this first transition better. If there was enough dry for the VS to hook (pretty strong) at the break point, I would have thought the C4 would have done better than it did. Anyway, I was able to keep moving left with the PII and got it to shape nicely the rest of the night. Our summer sport league is singles with a regressive point system, so I really didn't want to force the C4 just to see what it could do. Since you're bowling against the entire league, every pin counts much more than in other formats.
Next week is Dragon (45'), maybe still not prime territory for the C4, but I'll try it some regardless. I believe the current Shark is 26 mL of oil according to a video I watched with some Motiv guys (MotivLou). 2019 was 30 mL. I haven't looked up Dragon yet.
Damn Good Verge was also on my radar. If the C4 ends up a little weaker than what I'd hoped it might be a good choice. I really like what I've seen from the Zen, but it's at least as strong or maybe stronger than my PII. With my slower ball speed and slight rev dominance I rarely need anything super strong. The PII doesn't get used much as it is.