In the event you did not read my post from a few days ago on why bowling is dying, you must go listen to this week's conference call on Phantom Radio between Roger Dalkin and Chuck Pezzano. There is a link from SP on the Youth site. I'm begging all of you, bowlers, pro shop owners, proprietors, ball reps, manufacturers....your livlihood is at stake unless you do something to help with the state of bowling and youth bowling in particular.
Pay particular attention to the leaders last comments....."awards and scholarships have done nothing to increase youth participation in bowling". "It needs to be more of the recreational fabric". As I said in my message under youth bowling, I guess he wants more glow bowling and birthday parties.
For those of you who do not know about the high school bowling they are trying to spread, did you know that in some of those states who have it officially, that kids who participate on high school teams are not allowed to bowl in leagues or tournaments during their season? How ridiculous is that? Is this how Mr. Dalkin intends to increase youth participation?
Time to get someone out of Wisconsin and into the bowling alleys where the kids, families and people like Chuck are every week so they can get a dose of reality.