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Author Topic: Dumb Bowling Stories!  (Read 4745 times)

Motiv Girl

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Dumb Bowling Stories!
« on: July 17, 2009, 10:10:00 AM »

        What is the dumbest thing someone has said to you about bowling?

       I had a women watching me practice one day about seven years ago,I was
       playing 4th arrow,so walks up to me and says:where can I buy a ball
       that has the built in spin and hook? I just about died!!!



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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2009, 06:53:11 PM »
You get the average well I average 270 or so...  stories.  Now days that may not be so far fetched.



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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2009, 07:00:21 PM »
I had a guy in league on the opposing team ask me if I was a professional. That would be a compliment but I shoot 170 and a 150 game and on a 260 pace the next game (shot a 240's game when it was said and done) on a THS shot do you really think I'm a pro?


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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2009, 07:13:43 PM »
I had a guy in league on the opposing team ask me if I was a professional. That would be a compliment but I shoot 170 and a 150 game and on a 260 pace the next game (shot a 240's game when it was said and done) on a THS shot do you really think I'm a pro?

Heh heh...I left the 5-7 one night in a game I shot probably 160 in, but I picked up the 5-7. Guy on the other team says, and he's being serious, "Man, you need to go out on tour if you can make that!"

OK, let's review...

1) I shot 160,
2) I left the 5-7 on THS.

But I'm tour-ready. Thanks, guy.



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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2009, 07:20:07 PM »
Back in the late 90's had a guy walk in the shop and asked if we could "inject some more resin into his balls ", that his ball had lost it's hitting power told the pro shop owner and he almost fell over in tears
Dale Williams
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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2009, 07:29:12 PM »

I know a proshop operator who once had a customer come in asking to buy some more sideweight..


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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2009, 01:06:52 PM »
I had a guy tell me flat out that shooting 300 with a 14 lb ball was impossible since the ball is too light.  What a charmer.
White Dot
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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2009, 01:16:50 PM »
Went practicing one saturday with a few new balls i had bought the week before. Just trying to find a line with each one. Then in my 3rd game this kid came over to watch. During my 3rd game I rolled all 4 balls to see how different each ball played from 1 another so I know which ball hooks and which one dont so I can place them in my bag in order of strenght.

As I'm packing up this kid walks up and says, dude you must average like 400 pins a game cause ive never seen a ball move like that. Is it remote controlled???

Ive had many guys tell me to join the PBA cause they think Im that good. At the time I was averaging maybe 180...

Had many kids ask me if I was a professional. Always good for a little chukle.
Mike Zadler
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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2009, 12:22:15 AM »
I had a guy tell me flat out that shooting 300 with a 14 lb ball was impossible since the ball is too light.  What a charmer.
White Dot
Every time I hear the word exercise, I wash my mouth out with chocolate.

 I know that's wrong. I did it with a 14lb vicious particle hammer.  And last year, an older friend of mine shot his first 800 with a 14lb ball.  He is in his late 60's and has bowled since he was 10 yrs old, even bowling on the PBA tour for a very short time.  He says the 14lb balls today hit harder than the 16's did using plastic and urethane.

 As for a funny story, this happened once.  A family ( two adults, three kids ) were bowling when I arrived, and I ended up practicing on the lane next to them. After a game or so, I noticed the family get their stuff and move four lanes over, and continue bowling.  After my practice session, I was paying out and happened to ask the desk guy about what happened.

  He just laughed and said they got mad and said they wanted to move because "the guy down there thinks hes some kind of pro or something, embarassing us by throwing all strikes".  Thing is, I barely averaged 200 for my practice session.
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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2009, 12:33:33 AM »
I had a guy tell me flat out that shooting 300 with a 14 lb ball was impossible since the ball is too light.  What a charmer.
White Dot
Every time I hear the word exercise, I wash my mouth out with chocolate.

Yeah, that guy was an idiot!  Everyone who knows bowling knows it's actually the 13 lb balls that are impossible to shoot 300 with because they're too light. lol

Had a guy (who had a few too many beers) stay after league one night to discuss his personal problems at home.  Started talking about how tough he was and how he wasn't afraid of this other dude... babbled something about being able to take a hit, then he stiffened up and slammed his head into the bar.  He then fell backward off of the stool, and slid halfway across the floor and wound up on his butt next to the bathroom door.  He was stunned for a second, then shook his head and slowly stood up.  Once he got on his feet, he looked at me and said "That wasn't too smart, was it?"  LOL.  

I tell ya, working in a bowling alley isn't glamorous, but you get to know the people.  And in a bowling alley, especially in a small town like we were in, the people can be quite unique characters.  Lots of good memories from those days and those people. Some were... different, but overall we had a pretty good crowd.


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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2009, 12:35:43 AM »
Got wrapped up in the past and forgot to address the original poster's request.

I gotta say the dumbest thing I've heard about bowling is the league guy who says "What's so great about the Pro's?  Jim over there shoots higher scores than they do on TV."


Internet Tough Guy

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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2009, 02:08:58 AM »
Maybe this story constitutes a dumb bowling story..maybe it doesn't..but it is very priceless in my opinion...

Couple weeks ago I drilled a ball for a customer..he ended up telling me that it did not hook to his standards and wanted something done..after trying to explain everything to him (i.e. ball surface, layouts, CGs in different spots, etc.) he still was not happy. Only until the ball I drilled him was scuffed did he actually like the way the 'ball reacted' for him. So from this point on, he has become very awkward around me and has not had much to say to me since. We bowled his team on our Wednesday night league a few weeks ago and guess who I bowled heads up? Of course it was him...

In the 3rd game, we are going into the 10th and I've got a pretty comfortable 20+ pin lead on a strike while he was on a spare. He throws the 1st strike and comes back strutting...I go up in my 10th frame and leave the 7-10 this point he is grinning from ear to ear..after looking at the score I can now see that my 20 + pin lead is gone and the best I can shoot is a high 210 or low 220 if I'm this point he is just basically smiling and talking to his teammates about how he got more than 1 point off me tonight...a few weeks ago I took 4 out of 5 in position round...this week would've been 3 out of 5...or so he thought..I take my spare ball..chunk it as hard as I can at the 10 and what do you know..I get a lil bit of luck as the 10 goes flying and topples the 7. The guy just dropped his shoulders like he had lost his best friend! I got a kick out of it because there have been for too many times people have talked trash my way and come out on the winning end of was just kind of nice to silence someone who thought I was done because of an "impossible" split conversion like the 7-10...
--Michael Price--

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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2009, 08:00:50 AM »
One sunday i was in the center practicing shooting the 7 pin. so naturall im standing right of center dot (im lefty) and picking off the 7 pin. so this other guy whose been practicing two lanes down comes down and says "maybe you should try moving left a little, you would have a better chance of hitting the pocket".........  I just stared at him blankely and said "Im AIMING for the 7 pin"  "oh" and he walked away.
Ive Eaten From The Insane Root That Imprisons Reason


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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2009, 08:35:18 AM »
One sunday i was in the center practicing shooting the 7 pin. so naturall im standing right of center dot (im lefty) and picking off the 7 pin. so this other guy whose been practicing two lanes down comes down and says "maybe you should try moving left a little, you would have a better chance of hitting the pocket".........  I just stared at him blankely and said "Im AIMING for the 7 pin"  "oh" and he walked away.
Ive Eaten From The Insane Root That Imprisons Reason

i had an almost identical moment at a bowling alley it was this 15 year old kids grandmother, i had about 4 balls with me and i was practicing the 10 pin and she comes over and says you know if you use a ball with a little more surface you could get it to come back, and then decided to "teach" me about ball surfaces, lane conditions, and ball cores, after that game was over i pulled out my dimension and went for 245 and she comes over like she just taught me something lol, it was cute and i didnt say anything about it she was like 70 years old but still funny.


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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2009, 10:02:43 AM »
mine would be very 2nd hand, i wasnt there but still the definition of dumb..

at STATE tournament, dude gets so drunk, he is sleeping between frames.  he bowls his frame, kicks the ball return each time.  finally someone on the other team (from the same city) says "i've had enough" and as he finishes that sentence the drunk dude starts swinging at him, and missing.  they're on the approach going at it, finally getting separated.  the drunk dude goes outside still fighting mad when the police arrive, and hits a female cop.  

most stories that i have are more "cute" than dumb tho (IE getting cheered and high-fived by a bunch of 8 yr olds next to me celebrating a birthday, while i was striking at will..)

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