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Author Topic: Dumb Bowling Stories!  (Read 4744 times)

Motiv Girl

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Dumb Bowling Stories!
« on: July 17, 2009, 10:10:00 AM »

        What is the dumbest thing someone has said to you about bowling?

       I had a women watching me practice one day about seven years ago,I was
       playing 4th arrow,so walks up to me and says:where can I buy a ball
       that has the built in spin and hook? I just about died!!!



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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2009, 10:15:26 AM »
Had a 180 bowler come up to me and asked me since I was the president of the league if I could speak to the owner of the center about the overabundance of WAX on the lanes.

Yup, wax.
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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2009, 10:40:17 AM »
9andaWiggle .. thought that story was hilarious .. Thanks!
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RIP Thong Princess
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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2009, 11:15:39 AM »
Just last week while bowling at league.

After the set, there were about six or seven of the better bowlers in the league all complaining about how there was too much oil on the lanes and they couldn't get anything to move.  

I shot a 165-218-225=608 series, they wanted to know what I was using to get through the flood.  

The last two games were thrown playing 15 to 8 with my MAXIM.
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Unless, you were harmed.  In the extremely rare case were that to happen, Tough Nouggies!!!
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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2009, 12:09:39 PM »
9andaWiggle .. thought that story was hilarious .. Thanks!
Hit them light and watch them fight
      J O E - F A L C O

RIP Thong Princess

You're welcome!  We also had another guy, again blasted, that picked up the 4-6.  He never saw it, and wondered why his team was jumping up and down hollering after his shot.  LOL.  He just threw the ball and started walking back to his beer.

OK, another dumb story... We used to have Redpin, and sold tickets each game for jackpots between games.  Limited them to $25 per pot, and shot until they were all gone (had to throw a strike to get the pot).

Anyway, we had people who would drop $50 - $100 a night buying those tickets, then walk out happy and bragging about the $25 they "made" on the one pot they hit.  LOL.


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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #20 on: July 20, 2009, 02:12:12 PM »
I have an epic story, I was going to see the ToC 3 years ago with my dad at Mohegan Sun, I had my pba shirt on the black polo one. This guy comes up to me and says oh your on the pro tour can i get your autograph  LOLOLOL i gave it to him.
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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2009, 06:22:54 PM »
Back in the late 90's had a guy walk in the shop and asked if we could "inject some more resin into his balls ", that his ball had lost it's hitting power told the pro shop owner and he almost fell over in tears
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff should have told him "you need to put more english on the ball!"


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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #22 on: July 20, 2009, 06:42:17 PM »
We have a guy in our Thursday league (210 average on the THS) that states he can hook the ball from 8th arrow and back... just wondering where that 8th arrow is on the lane?

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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2009, 08:25:52 PM »
We have a guy in our Thursday league (210 average on the THS) that states he can hook the ball from 8th arrow and back... just wondering where that 8th arrow is on the lane?

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Ummm... Amish lanes?
White Dot
The only way I'm going to drop ten pounds is if I go shopping in England.

Motiv Girl

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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #24 on: July 20, 2009, 09:10:24 PM »

  Went to practice using my new equipment, practiced on the cheetah pattern.
 They put me on 9/10 but ask me to move after 2 games. They forgot the league was on that pair so they had to move me next to another league.So now I'm on a fresh oiled house shot.I end a game with the last 5 strikes and start the next
game with the first 10.The guy next to me walks up during the 11th shot and says"Wow I bet you're going to throw your high average ever".I try to be nice
and say yes but leave a 2 count for a 288 game.When I was done he says."Was that
your high average ever".LOL!


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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #25 on: July 20, 2009, 11:47:01 PM »
One day in league.  We where bowling this guy one time.  Using a shiny new ball.  Remembering I had never seen a Red Danger Zone.  After a game, we started to notice that there where red lines on the lanes.  Wondering what was happening, we looked at the guys ball and it had lines of black coming through the red cover.  Turns out, after he polished his ball, decided to spray paint it a new color.  Of course he was bored of the pain black.  So after a long argument, the owner of the bowling alley had to kick him out of the house cause he had damaged the lanes.  Also did not want to admit that using a painted bowling ball was illegal.  

Got love people sometimes.

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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #26 on: July 21, 2009, 03:10:09 AM »
About 7 years ago or so, I had some random dude come up to me and tell me that he bowled a 301 before-scratch.  He then ensued to challenge me to 20$ a game.  I don't even think I answered him-spent too much time on the floor laughing my brains out...
You may be the better bowler, but my car would blow the doors off of yours.


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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #27 on: July 21, 2009, 03:36:12 AM »
Last year in my travel league, i was listening to a dad brag about his son's skill. He then went on to say that his son routinely beats the pros' scores on TV by 100 pins. Yuh huh.
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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #28 on: July 21, 2009, 08:37:52 AM »
Couple years ago we had this guy in our league that thought he was the best thing going at the house.  Really arrogant and cocky with a horrible attitude when he bowled "below his ability".  He was one of those stand left, throw right and hit it hard as you can.  He was fine on those lanes but get him away from there and he would struggle.

So one night he kept getting rung on 10 pins and was getting pissed off about it.  So leaves a real vicious wrap 10, gets a little pissed.  Misses the 10 pin, turns around walks back and gives the ball return a real vicious kick.  5 minutes later we found out that the ball return bit back....all of his toes were bleeding.
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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #29 on: July 22, 2009, 09:55:48 AM »
Bump for further hilarity.
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RIP ThongPrincess

Well, there was this one guy who faked a few pre-bowled 900's and made a mockery of ABC/USBC award approval procedures...

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Re: Dumb Bowling Stories!
« Reply #30 on: July 22, 2009, 10:15:00 AM »
When I was in youth about 12 years ago, a few friends and I decided to join a 2nd league on Saturday afternoons.  We were the outsiders in this league that was completely dominated by 1 team of kids about our age.

One of the kids we had on our team was a bit of a hot head, and would get really mad if he missed a spare.  

He left a 10 pin and then missed it, turned around and took off his wrist guard to throw it.  When he threw it, it smacked some other poor kid right in the nose.  

It was about the funniest damn thing I had ever seen.  If it happened now, it wouldn't be funny, but at 15...oh yea..funny!
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