Do you listen to your MP3 player? If so, do you leave it on the whole time, just when you're bowling bad, only while you're sitting and not while you're up?
What music do you listen to (specific songs/bands)?
Finally, how do you choose this music? Is it your favorite bands, do you choose based on tempo, something that will get your adrenaline pumping, something that keeps your mind off of things, something to keep you calm?
Personally - I like something that can get my adrenaline pumping without being just noise. Something that allows me to think without taking my mind off of bowling. Example: Way Away, Fighting, Lights and Sounds, by Yellowcard...Any Rise Against songs...Avenged Sevenfold
(Just trying to get an idea of maybe some new songs for my IPod.)
Rev Rate: 400-450 Speed: 16-17 mph
Current Average: 236