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Author Topic: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?  (Read 6342 times)


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Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« on: March 16, 2004, 12:32:14 AM »
Is there any reason to pay the extra money for the Dyon-thanes compared to the Dexters?



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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2004, 03:40:27 PM »
I have my dexter SST6 LX since this christmas and I can say that they ROCK... That Kangaroo leather is soooooooo comfy... And you can create your perfect slide with the soles-brakes in the box... No need for more...

I can see that the Dynothane are somehow the same... But instead of Good Year they use DuPont... Lets wait and see what people say about the ABS...

For me I give the dexter SST6 LX 9/10 because nothing is perfect
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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2004, 04:35:38 PM »
I bought the ABS Sport Ultras, $94 from buddies, and they are the most comfortable pair of shoes I have ever worn.  They come with 4 heels and 4 soles.  I like them over my Dexters anytime.  There is one drawback, the slides take forever to break in.  I have had mine since x-mas and they still aren't quite broken in.

My father-in-law has the 6 lx's, the slide soles will no longer stick to the bottom of the shoe.  Dexter is willing to replace them free of charge.  

I think both companies are good.  I have heard nothing but good about ABS and I have had good luck with Dexter.  But I like the fit of my ABS better.

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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2004, 04:54:58 PM »
Uh... I'm pretty sure ABS was making th kangaroos long before the SST6's were ever made.

Dexter copied ABS.



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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2004, 05:08:01 PM »
Helman, I don't think ABS is the only other company that uses interchangeable soles and heels.  Dexter may have started it, but the magic of INNOVATION is making something better, or more appealing than what a different company has, and I think Tony was pointing out that ABS was the first to use kangaroo leather on their shoes. Dexter came out with the SST6 LX using kangaroo leather after ABS started it.  Some would also argue that the ABS are superior because of the durability.  My SST5s would probably be in excellent shape right now if they had the cool toe cap that the ABS has.
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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2004, 05:31:01 PM »
The first night I had my ABS shoes we were on the end of the house right next to the heater where you would have occasional approach problems----very occasional. Not a major problem though.
 The ABS shoes handled the approaches well and felt as though I had had them for several months and not new the first night with the adjustment problems you might have with new shoes.
 On the other side...................
 A good friend has the Dexters and is very happy with them...........
 So I guess it probabaly comes down to preference with this question.


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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2004, 05:31:15 PM »
My SST5s would probably be in excellent shape right now if they had the cool toe cap that the ABS has.

WSUstroker hit on the major differentiating factor with his above statement. When comparing Dexter to ABS, the major obvious difference is the ABS toe cap, which is a great feature for bowlers who tend to quickly wear out the non-slide toe. The irony is that Dexter could probably knock ABS into oblivion if a toe cap was offered on the SST's.

Otherwise, there isn't a huge difference between the respective company offerings. Comfort should be a non-issue; if you can't get a good feel in the Dexters SST 5 or 6 models, there is something physically wrong with your feet. And while ABS continues to expand it's slide options, Dexter still leads in this category.

So my personal feeling is that it comes down to the ABS toe cap. If you tend to quickly wear out this part of the shoe, go with ABS. Otherwise, there doesn't seem to be an overriding reason to move away from Dexter.  

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Edited on 3/16/2004 6:29 PM


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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2004, 06:17:20 PM »
hehe... yeah, ABS has been around for a while now.  People just don't realize how long they've been PBA approved.  Not until recently have they been as prominent, since Dyno-thane have become the US distributor for them.

They've had the kangaroos for a long time now.  And ABS has more sole/heel options than any Dexter has.  ANd it's absolutely about the leather... if you've never worn a pair (or even felt how light/soft the ABS Tour Ultras are) then you need to.  Dexter introduced the LX's in response to ABS, without a doubt.

I'm on staff with Dyno-thane and ABS... do your research on Dexters when they introduced the LX's and then come back to me.  



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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2004, 06:26:30 PM »
The irony is that Dexter could probably knock ABS into oblivion if a toe cap was offered on the SST's.

Hmmm... well, the ABS Tour Ultras offer interchangeable solid soles and the cleats as well.  No Dexter offers the cleats that I know of.  People buy the ABS BECAUSE of the comfort.  Maybe the LX's are comparable, I don't know.  Are the ABS's worth the extra cost?   That's up to the individual.  

ABS has within a very short period of time outsold Linds and in some markets outsold Dexter in the premium lines.  Dexter will always outsell ABS because they have a huge entry level line.  

But make no mistake, ABS is making an impact like no bowling product has done in years.  They are far more popular on the PBA Tour and Regionals than Dexter is comfortable with.


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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2004, 06:39:36 PM »
Personally I think the soles/heels for dexter are sub par. the wear out quickly. I purchased custom made soles and they out last the dexters by 2 or 3 times the life span  and counting.

they also have smaller increments to adjust your slide. they are the only reason I keep the dexters.

anyone how as a decent slide know that the gap between the 8 and 10 is HUGE! if you stick on an 8 and switch to a 10, you can ice skate.

Linds were so-so. I will most likely try the ABS because of the toe cap. I had to have my non slide sole repaired once and that is wearing down.
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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2004, 07:01:33 PM »
I have had the sst5's and sst6's and linds and the ABS Tour Ultra's blow all of them away as far as comfort and looks in my opinion. I think the Dexters are butt ugly.. The ABS also have many more variations to adjust the slide and they also have a heel with adjustable slides as well. Dexter does not even offer that..

I will never own anything other than ABS Tour Ultra's..
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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2004, 07:28:39 PM »
Is this a misprint??? says the ABS are actually made by Dexter:

thanks for all the opinions, I'm still undecided but the ABS do seem to offer more options, but I'm thinking replacements items for dexter will be easier to find.  This is a tougher choice than picking out a ball.

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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2004, 07:32:31 PM »
jd1319 - The difference in price is about $20 (ABS Tour Ultra vs. SST6 LX) -  think about how much you spend on bowling, balls and practice, that is not much.  So I think the determining factor should be which shoe works better.

Someone pointed out that the ABS do not offer as many slide options as Dexters - they both come with 4 soles and 4 heels, AND the ABS come with a cleat sole (like the Linds exxtras).  The ABS also have 4 other heels available, so I'm not sure why there is a perception that the Dexters have more options.

I own the ABS and they are very comfortable, but any shoe should be, I'm sure the Dexters are too.  Dexter owners have complained for years that the shoes wear out too fast, I have used the ABS for almost a year and there is not a scratch on them (2 nites week + practice + 2 tournaments a month or so).

Good luck with your shopping!

And to BestHelmanBowler - Goodyear makes better rubber than DuPont?  Got any references to back that up?  It's a moot point anyway, the Tour Ultras use KEVLAR not RUBBER.  What have you got against Dynothane, anyway?  Where's all that anger from?

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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2004, 07:36:01 PM »
That is a misprint, Dexter does not make the ABS.

Spare parts for ABS are available through many online retailers, and the best thing is that Dynothane is still a small, customer friendly company - you can call them direct and they will tell you where to get the parts or send them to you directly.  Try that with Dexters ..............


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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2004, 09:03:23 PM »
I have owned Dexter SST6 for over a year. I kept trying to make them work. Finally I gave up, went back to Linds all leather (with the little circles). However, I will be attempting the ABS.  The problem with the Dexter for me, is that the base is so wide and so much more surface area touching the appraoches I find them to touchy (either too slick or too sticky) and they felt like clown shoes and were heavy.  Others dont have a problem that I seem to have but I am overweight which might attribute to it.
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