jd1319 - The difference in price is about $20 (ABS Tour Ultra vs. SST6 LX) - think about how much you spend on bowling, balls and practice, that is not much. So I think the determining factor should be which shoe works better.
Someone pointed out that the ABS do not offer as many slide options as Dexters - they both come with 4 soles and 4 heels, AND the ABS come with a cleat sole (like the Linds exxtras). The ABS also have 4 other heels available, so I'm not sure why there is a perception that the Dexters have more options.
I own the ABS and they are very comfortable, but any shoe should be, I'm sure the Dexters are too. Dexter owners have complained for years that the shoes wear out too fast, I have used the ABS for almost a year and there is not a scratch on them (2 nites week + practice + 2 tournaments a month or so).
Good luck with your shopping!
And to BestHelmanBowler - Goodyear makes better rubber than DuPont? Got any references to back that up? It's a moot point anyway, the Tour Ultras use KEVLAR not RUBBER. What have you got against Dynothane, anyway? Where's all that anger from?