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Author Topic: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?  (Read 6343 times)


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Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« on: March 16, 2004, 12:32:14 AM »
Is there any reason to pay the extra money for the Dyon-thanes compared to the Dexters?



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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2004, 09:14:32 PM »
To me it's well worth the money except for the "rippled" heel that
wore out in 30 games. But a slight modification to the shoe and
I haven't been disappointed yet.

I think you mean the Radial heel.  Mine went flat in a few weeks too.  The Rippled heel is MUCH better, I've had it on for months and it's barely showing signs of wear.  The Rippled heel is very similar to the Dexter rippled heel, which is the only heel I wore when I had Dexters.

See the Spare Parts Page (Click on the Heel Closeups for more detail)

And yes, that's a misprint.  ABS is made by ABS in Japan.  Dyno-thane has exclusive distribution rights to the US.  ABS also makes the Power Supplies Tape (great site, huh?  I built it!), which Turbo 2-N-1 Grips is selling.

As for getting replacements, they are available by many online proshops and direct from Dyno-thane.  The solid soles are actually rectangle sheets, you cut them to size.  The Dexter replacements are pre-cut and as such might be more difficult to find in your size.

Just to clear things up!  

Tony (For Sale!)

Edited on 3/16/2004 10:09 PM


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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2004, 09:33:00 PM »
All I can say about ABS shoes are this. They are lightweight and they are durable. The pair I am wearing now for the past 15 months, approximately 700 games on them and they are starting to show wear signs at my push off shoe. Dexters only last 30 games. I had 2 pair of them that lasted the same. Push off shoe fell apart. I don't think any pair of bowling shoes on the market compare to the ABS.

Edited on 3/16/2004 10:28 PM

Kid Jete

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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2004, 09:47:16 PM »
I love my SST6 LX's.  They are more comfortable than my street shoes lol.  I always get compliments on their looks, I would probably wear them outside if I didn't care about ruining the soles.  I don't know much about the ABS's but you would definately be happy with the Dexter's.  The regular width are pretty narrow(which is great for me because I have really narrow feet) but if your feet are a little on the wide side make sure you get the wider width.


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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #19 on: March 16, 2004, 09:59:55 PM »
Ok, this is coming from someone who has worn and used both. I originally purchased the SST VI LX and wore them for about a week. They were ok, but my pro shop had a pair of Tour Ultras in my size and let me try them on as well. As soon as I put them on, there was no comparison. The Tour Ultras are hands down the most comfortable shoes I have ever work. Plus the fit is better and you get MORE slide options. Especially with the adjust a heal. ABS are the best.

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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2004, 12:17:26 PM »
Bamaster: A few thoughts:

Hmmm... well, the ABS Tour Ultras offer interchangeable solid soles and the cleats as well. No Dexter offers the cleats that I know of.

On the solid side, Dexter SST offers 7 soles and 8 heels. ABS offers 4 soles and 4 heels. Therefore, doing some simple math, Dexter offers 56 specific sole/heel combinations, and ABS offers 16. So I feel confident in my assertion that Dexter provides many more basic (and usable) combinations than ABS.

Your wildcard in discussing 'flexibility' is the ABS cleat sole and heel, which provides questionable value at best. Linds certainly bombed out when they introduced the cleat sole option on their high end shoes, largely because they are a pain to use. There is nothing more amusing than being at a tournament in a strange house, and watching a bowler fumble around with cleats, trying to find a slide combination that will work. The bottom line is that if you can't find effective slide with one of Dexter's 56 sole/heel combinations, you have bigger problems to be solved.

People buy the ABS BECAUSE of the comfort.  

That's true, and I was certainly impressed with the comfort of my Ultras. But you have to talk about 'comfort' in context. Most reasonable bowlers would agree that by any standard, Dexters are comfortable. That was certainly Dexter's claim to fame (and few argued this point) before the Ultras were introduced. ABS may take comfort to the level of slippers, but for many bowlers, this is going overboard. Personally, I like a good balance between comfort and support. I know this is a matter of opinion, but I believe Dexter provides a better balance here without overly compromising either aspect.

I still think it comes down to the ABS toe cap.  

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Edited on 3/17/2004 1:21 PM


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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2004, 12:31:46 PM »
On the solid side, Dexter SST offers 7 soles and 8 heels. ABS offers 5 soles and 4 heels. Therefore, doing some simple math, Dexter offers 56 specific sole/heel combinations, and ABS offers 20. So I feel confident in my assertion that Dexter provides many more basic (and usable) combinations than ABS.

Well, I don't think Dexter had 8 heels.  They have the 1, 2, 5, & 7 (leather heel), the other four on their site are just different sizes.  And according to Dexter's website the LX's come with:
(SST6 LX - Black Kangaroo)

4 interchangeable sliding sols for different slide
4 interchangeable heels for differnent braking control

(Nice spelling, by the way, huh?)

The ABS Tour Ultras offer 4 soles and heels as well, but offer the added cleat sole. ABS has four other heels available including the Adjust-a-Heel, which might be considered 3 in one.  Dexter has always made some nice shoes and I'm certain the LX's are great.  I actually like the style of them over the ABS.  

I've never heard anything bad about Dexter's customer support and Dyno-thane is top notch I can confirm.  Each bowler will have a different opinion, the only way to decide is to try them both on yourself.

Tony (For Sale!)

Edited on 3/17/2004 1:32 PM


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Re: Dyno-Thane ABS or Dexter SST 6 LX?
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2004, 01:19:34 PM »
my problem with dexter has been 1 year and it's time for a new pair of shoes not mention the extra's I had to buy. I have owned the SST4 and the SST5 and after a year they fall apart on me. I bought the abs and have had them almost 15 months not a scratch and still look as good as when I bought them. Only problem I have ever had with them was the rippled heel worn down. Which dyno-thane replaced for me. I had a time getting mine since they didn't make a 14 which dynothane went above and beyond to make sure I could get a pair of them and I couldn't be happier. I figure @ this point I am acutally up money becuase I didn't have to buy another pair of shoes this year. I will quote never own another pair of dexters as long as dyno-thane is still putting out a good quality product like the ABS shoes. This just my thoughts on this.