My highest without stopping is 27,I may have bowled
a few like these for various mental reasons.I could've
gone more games easy,but two things.This is my most recent
ta memory.
1)It was 1:20ish in the morning and they close
at 2am!So for obvious reason I'm not Super
Fast Bowlerman.
Off record,I did bowl in my league 5 hours earlier
that same exact night would that count on a new total?
2)I got a vicious side thumb blister that hurt
like a motha scratcher!!
Funny too,I was bowling like a madman because
of a female rejection at a local swap meet,I've knoen
this particular woman for a couple of years and decided
like a bonehead to ask that first date question,hoo boy.
Soooooo,since that didn't work and I wasn't gonna go postal,
I just decided to bowl off serious frustration that night!!
Man!!!Was I sore the next mornibg,woke up to 3
leg cramps,back ta back,YOWHHCH!!!!
Hand from blister was redish red and my right shoulder
was on hurtful fire.
Since that mainiacal Bowlerama,my highest since
was a mere 17 or 18,kinda a cutback,less shoulder pain
and only a spot tear on thumb or finger blisters
as well.
Nowdays I bowl from 4 to 12 games,just ta save my
self from humiliating future Itoldyousodays!!
Like I typed earlier,when I get into a female pre drama,
lie date cancellations or future rejections,I'll be back
on Adrenaline Bowling Killpin Gamarama Killing Pin mode!!
Who's next to tell their tale!