win a ball from

Author Topic: EARLY HOOKING CONDITIONS/WHAT TO DO  (Read 8294 times)

Motiv Girl

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« on: March 13, 2010, 08:58:35 AM »
Is there any other suggestions that anyone else has for this topic.
Please feel free to add on.This topic is brought up a lot during my coaching
sessions for kids and adults.I know that this topic can benefit everyone.
 So I encourage you to chime in and help with the topic.

If the ball or lane is hooking early, there are several items to check. The first is where you are playing on the lane. You can divide the lane into three sections: the heads (about the first 18 feet), the pines (the middle portion of the lane, front to back), and the back ends (about the last 15 to 20 feet). Generally there is more oil as you move in toward the center of the lane, so if the ball hooks too early from where you're playing, you may want to move to a line farther inside.

Sometimes, though, even when you move more toward the center of the lane, the ball still hooks too early, so the next item to check is your ball choice. The cover of the bowling ball is the major factor in ball reaction. If the cover is too aggressive for a certain condition--especially dry heads--you will not be able to get the ball down the lane before it starts to hook. In this instance, it would be a good choice to switch to a less aggressive cover stock to get the ball down the lane.

If the lane hooks all the way down, there are other options that will help you to control the hook. Fine-tuning your ball choice with respect not only to the cover stock but core construction and layout can help. When the lanes hook, you may want a less aggressive core and a milder layout. Talk with your pro shop operator for his suggestions.

Lofting the ball out may also be a great option for you. When you do this, the lane will seem shorter. For instance, if you're setting the ball down onto the lane 18 inches over the foul line, you could make the lane hook less for you by lofting the ball farther down the lane. This may mean learning to get the ball six to 10 feet out on the lane. To do this, hang on to the ball a little longer near the release point. When you accomplish this, you'll notice that the ball will go farther down the lane before it hooks.

Another option is to use more ball speed, which will help get the ball farther down the lane before it hooks. The best way to generate more speed is to make your overall motion to the foul line faster, more uptempo. Your mechanics should remain the same, but your motion will be more aggressive, and being more aggressive with your body motion will translate into more ball speed at the release.

Additionally, you may want to back off on the strength of your release, because if your hand and wrist are in very strong positions it will be difficult for you to get the ball down a hooking lane. By backing off your hand position--relaxing your wrist a little and uncocking your hand in your stance, and leaving them that way throughout your approach and release area--you can get the ball down the lane much more easily. The more you cup and cock your wrist, the more strongly you're loading your release. So the more you uncup or break your wrist and uncock your hand, the easier it will be to get the ball down the lane. These adjustments for hooking lanes can make a difference in how successful you are and will allow you to be more versatile when the lanes call for it.




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« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2010, 05:02:31 PM »
From John Jowdy's book "Bowling Execution" about the drag release.

Some similarities to this and Pete Weber's release and why PDW can play deep inside lines better than most.


Motiv Girl

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« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2010, 05:13:55 PM »
Thanks Scott.I have the book and Mr.Jowdy autographed it for me
during his visit here during the 2003 U.S.Open.Great book and a great man.