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Author Topic: Early season falsehoods.....  (Read 1395 times)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Early season falsehoods.....
« on: September 24, 2003, 11:38:48 PM »
At the beginning of every season I hear the same things, mostly from the same bowlers......"Hey, I am averaging 220", "My average was 180 last year and now it is 213, so this is going to be a better season", and so on and so on....

I am not trying to drag those guys down, maybe they need the confidence so they still have something to aim for. But the 220 guy?-----finishes 187 every year. The 213 guy??? finishes 180-185 every year. I guess maybe I am being a crab today, but this early in the season and you average 212-213 a quick 530 set can take that 212-213 right off of you.

Instead of focusing on average why don't they focus on how well they are bowling? A high average this early in the year does not mean you were bowling good. You could have had a 279 where you hit your mark all of one time, but the pins fell. Scores in my opinion do not even tell 40% of the story. There is far too much that happens in a 3 game set, any trip fours? any messengers come across and take the 10 out late? Too many variables.

I am just rambling now, but simply put, if someone averaged 180 last year, and after 3-4 weeks of bowling this year they are averaging 213, does that make them a 213 bowler? I don't think so, because by season's end it usually evens out. THey just don't see it though----they miss it every year. The early season falsehoods....

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Michael DeSantis

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Re: Early season falsehoods.....
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2003, 02:47:59 PM »
Excaliber, what you posted is all too true for me.  I remember starting seasons with a few 600's and thought that "this is goona be my year." only to find that year-end average back in the same range as years before.

Of course, to some degree, there are a few exceptions who will rise to a magical season from seasons gone by(boy, I'd sure like to be one of those), but unless it is a beginner who is improving rapidly, someone who has gone from hacker to well-coached performer,  or someone who has switched to a higher scoring house, most people will find that plateau of "average" will be close by at season end.
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Re: Early season falsehoods.....
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2003, 03:24:29 PM »

You may be right for a number of people, but there are those of us who have worked hard over the summer to improve. The past two years I have made the commitment to improve and I am now reaping the benefit of my hard work. For a few years I averaged in the 160-170 range. Last year I closed the year with a 198 average in one house and a 184 in another. This year I am off to the best start of my life. Don't paint everyone with the same brush... some of us out there do work on self-improvement.


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Re: Early season falsehoods.....
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2003, 03:26:17 PM »
Agreed on most accounts but why pea on someones parade. Sometimes all it takes is achieving a goal for some to strive harder. I just look at it from the perspective of more guys in the scratch pots and less handicap I have to spot them.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Early season falsehoods.....
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2003, 03:53:21 PM »
Sorry peeps, like I said, I am in a bit of a crabby mood today.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Early season falsehoods.....
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2003, 12:51:09 AM »
I guess I am one of those having a great start.  I have never had 3 600 weeks in a row in any league.  I haven't bowled in this house/league for about a year and did get a coach in between.  

I am the first to say it may be a fluke, but if not I have a theory I want to test.  If I end the season with a high 190 or 200+ average, I plan to join another 9PM league at another house to see if it is the 2nd shift or the house that is causing the high average.  I generally bowl 6PM leagues.
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