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Author Topic: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!  (Read 39314 times)

Gene J Kanak

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Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« on: November 07, 2006, 12:21:16 AM »
Hey everyone,

I think a lot of people already know this, but I figured I'd toss out a quick word of warning, just in case some don't. When you put easy slide or, heaven forbid, baby powder on your shoes, it screws the approaches up for EVERYONE!

Last night during league, I noticed during practice that the approach on the left lane was remarkably slick. In talking with the house staff, I learned that an open bowler likes to dump a whole bunch of baby powder on the floor and then step in it before each shot, to increase his slide. Well, despite their best efforts to clean the approaches, the baby powder remained in the wood and made conditions completely terrible.

I had to use a No. 4 sole on the left lane. FYI, I normally can't even practice with the No. 4 because it grabs so hard I just about fly over the line. For me, wearing that sole is damn near the same as wearing a gym shoe. Since this open bowler only bowled on one lane, the other approach was normal, so I literally had to change soles between frames the entire night.

So, I guess my point in all of this is to say, please don't use powder of any kind on your shoes. You may not realize it, but doing so alters the environment for everyone around you. If you're having that much trouble sliding, use a slide sock or change to shoes that give you more. That way, the changes you make only affect you. I thank you for your support in this matter, and I know other bowlers will as well : )
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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2006, 11:29:08 AM »
You people do realize that it is against USBC rules to deface the approach for the next person, by using these substances you are at risk of having your scores forfeited


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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2006, 11:34:13 AM »
Reading these posts makes me really wonder, how many people know the rules of bowling.
Pinbuster is totally correct, regardless if you use ezslide properly or not, why give someone the chance to have your scores foreited


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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2006, 11:34:42 AM »
If everyone invested in a pair of good quality shoes with inter-changeable soles there should be no need for easi-slide.  I see so many people that buy ball after ball, yet they use the same 7 year old shoes.  Invest in some good shoes !!!!!


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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2006, 11:38:47 AM »
Instead of ez slide for those of you who cant slide try useing super glue. You would be amazed at the amount of slide you will gain from it and you do not have to keep putting it on and it doesnt come off for others to step in. Word of warning though "a small amount goes a long long way"


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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #20 on: November 07, 2006, 11:48:49 AM »
I could be wrong, but I believe if EZ-Slide is applied to a shoe it needs to be wiped off before going on the approach.


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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2006, 11:49:18 AM »
Personally, for the record, I hate EZ Slide. With that being said, I also must say that while I hate it, it can be an invaluable tool in correcting temporary slide problems and is WELL within USBC rules when *used properly*. I think that maybe once or twice a season, I will accidentally step in something with my slide shoe and have a need to apply EZ Slide to help correct that, but like others who do use it correctly have been saying, you use very little and you rub it into the sole so that it does not come off on the lane.

I have run across people who use this product incorrectly, and those people have even caused me to injure my shoulder when I slipped on the approach one night. Needless to say, the offender got a stern talking to by me and saw his bag of EZ Slide flung back by the bar. Additionally, he was given a warning about his improper use of a foreign substance on the approach and was told to stop doing it or he would forfeit his scores.

I guess that what it comes down to is if you see someone improperly using a product such as EZ Slide, talk to them about it first.. Hell, show them how to use the stuff so that everyone can continue to bowl in comfort.


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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2006, 11:58:00 AM »
You people do realize that it is against USBC rules to deface the approach for the next person, by using these substances you are at risk of having your scores forfeited

The rule says that the approaches may not be defaced.  It's my view that if applied properly, no residue is left behind and the approaches aren't defaced.  Like I said, you're free to try my challenge.  The rule is NOT written in black and white the way some people believe.  I rarely use the stuff, but I've never heard a complaint after I did.
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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #23 on: November 07, 2006, 12:26:33 PM »
If everyone invested in a pair of good quality shoes with inter-changeable soles there should be no need for easi-slide.  I see so many people that buy ball after ball, yet they use the same 7 year old shoes.  Invest in some good shoes !!!!!

A good pair of shoes, heals and soles, and a shoe brush can go a long way to get the slide one is after and it wont possibly injure other bowlers while using these products! If you find yourself wanting to use this product often, its time to make an investment in equipment. Yes folks, I have got injured from people using EZ slide on the approaches and it dosent take much of it to alter everyone elses approach in a adverse way.


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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #24 on: November 07, 2006, 12:30:38 PM »
Well, then, if I can't use ezslide, does anyone want my equipment?
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I will take the balls off your hands but, not your shoes becasue I probally would not be able to slide either . BTW, I am 6ft 3in 300+or-pounds also and I can generate a slide without that garbage we call EZ slide. I know where you are coming from and for a big guy its hard to slide but, it can be done.


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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2006, 02:02:16 PM »
Man what a tough crowd this is. I use Linds and a couple of times I have stepped in a spill. So I take EZ-slide rub it on the spot and then take the  wire brush to it. After that I take a towel and rub it all out. Sometimes it takes two or three tries to dry it all out. No substance gets on the approaches ! Are you trying to tell me I can't do that ? If you are I have two words to say to that. Bi*e Me ! lol


Trying not to break his neck after stepping in a spill ...


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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2006, 02:30:36 PM »
This is brought up every few months.  Here's the rule verbatim.

Approaches Must Not Be Defaced
Rule 12. The application of any foreign substance on any part of the approach that detracts from the
possibility of other players having normal conditions is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to talcum
powder, pumice and resin on shoes, and/or soft rubber soles or heels that rub off on the approach. [CAQ #11]




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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2006, 02:37:44 PM »
In the early 80s, before the new advanced sole|heel shoes, I occasionally had slide problems at one house.  To combat it I would apply a VERY SMALL AMOUNT of armor all to my slide shoe and voila - slide to spare (or strike).  And, of course, it does not come off on the approach after it has dried on your shoe.  But I must again stress, use a VERY SMALL AMOUNT or be prepared to land on your arse.
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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2006, 08:01:35 PM »
Easy Slide when used properly before bowling is a fine sole conditioner.  It's use is not illegal unless misused.  Patting it on your shoe and then stepping on the approach is misusing the product.  There are several ways to combat approaches without endngering other bowlers.  Slide Socks, interchangeable soles and heels etc.  I see people buy a bag of Easy Slide once a week.  A bag last me nearly a year in the shop under normal use.  For the money they put out on that product they could easily afford one of the better solutions.  Unfortunately many people could careless about other peoples safety.  That is really sad.  I do unsterstand they are wooried about their own safety but do the right thing.  Use the easy slide correctly, buy a slide sock or better shoes but most of all think about the other bowlers bowling with you.

Slick, tacky, wood or synthetic it does not matter your slide is correct with
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Gene J Kanak

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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #29 on: November 08, 2006, 05:40:53 AM »
My problem with using powders on your shoes is two-fold:

1) There is no way to guarantee, even if you are dilligent about using a wire brush and wiping things off with your hand, that you are getting all of the powder off. I mean, I watched the bowling alley staff wipe down and clean the approaches before we bowled, but the stuff was still engrained into the surface. Therefore, even if you're careful, you are still most likely transferring at least a little bit of the powder onto the approach. That brings me to my second problem:

2) Why should everyone else on your pair and those who bowl later have to adjust their games for what you are doing, especially when there are other ways to achieve slide? I don't remember who said it, but one poster said "practice what you preach and learn to adjust." Why should your slide problems cause seven or eight other people to change their games? If I am sliding too much, I change to a sole that slides more. If I'm sliding too little, I try a sole that will slide more. In either case, nothing that I'm doing will mess with your game. So why should your slide problems mess with mine?

To me, it's just a matter of courtesy. If you're having trouble sliding, buy different shoes (SSTs, Tour Ultras, etc) or invest in some sort of slide sock. That way, you can play your game, and the rest of us can play ours.

I didn't mean to throw everyone who uses eazy-slide or baby powder under the bus. I'm sure some of you do your best to use it in a responsible manner. Still, I think that the good of the masses should outweigh the good of one, and the stuff just shouldn't be used.
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Re: Easy slide or baby powder on shoes: Just dont do it!
« Reply #30 on: November 08, 2006, 06:21:14 AM »
I certainly can understand the comments about not having the dough to purchase high-end shoes (although I was able to get some SST6's through a trade, so I'm all set).

I don't really understand how it's so difficult to understand that the conditions of the lanes and approaches are meant to be the same for everyone bowling at the same time.

Just to play devil's advocate, take this as an example:

What if Bowler X loves to play the deep inside, swing it to the gutter swing type of shot? He throws a couple of balls in practice and sees that the condition on the lanes won't let him do this. Instead of switching balls or lines, he grabs some stuff out of his bag and walks down the gutters and starts manually manipulating the lanes to his liking. This would force everyone else to change their shot (or ball) to match what he preferred.

Is that not unfair??? (granted, this is covered by a different rule , but it's just to illustrate the point.. I hope)

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