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Author Topic: Easy Slide Should Be Banned  (Read 12514 times)


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Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« on: October 25, 2008, 01:53:11 AM »
i think bowlers should be banned from putting easy slide on there shoes. while it may help them it creates hell for others. whenever i bowl against a team that has a bowler(s) that puts easy slide on there shoe, it inevitably ends up on the approach ,and at some point in the night mid-way through my approach ill slip on the offending powder and nearly fall on my face. same thing with other people ive seen. Last night one of the people on my team actually ended up falling and twisting there ankle because of said easy slide on the lane. i mean seriously people, its a safety issue. Am i the only one who sees this? anyways
Ive Eaten From The Insane Root That Imprisons Reason



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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #31 on: October 25, 2008, 07:36:11 PM »
I've been using the Bowler's Slide Sock for about 5 years now and haven't had the first problem with an approach.  Buy one and try it, they're not expensive.  If you don't like it, put it in your bag and try it again when you run into a sticky approach.  But I'll bet if you will use it for 3 games you'll never bowl without one again.  The link is in Smash49's signature.  --  JohnP

Been there, done that. excellent product BUT tt wasn't enough FOR ME. See one of my previous replies.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #32 on: October 25, 2008, 07:45:03 PM »
A few of you guys are talking about approachs being slick or sticking well that's 1 thing. If your an experienced bowler you can adjust to those conditions. Problem is when you have a nice approach and you go 2 planted then ur knee slips out. That's how I threw my knee out. Now because of it I have 2 strap a brace on every night. Also had 2 change almost whole style of bowling. Had 2 slide rather then plant which messed up timing. So before you use ur powder think about others. Think about the injuries that it causes. If you can't slide next time don't grab the powder grab you shoe cover before you take a walk around.  Bottom line don't use it.  For the guy who made comment about leaving my cicle bring it. If your up near Midwest at tournaments or in Illinois drop me a line


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #33 on: October 25, 2008, 08:54:49 PM »
ahh there's the online tough guy. Blame the bowler who can bowl not the 1 sticking and using powder. I blew my knee out because of the powder and the torn ligament it caused. There are so many Products out there that people can use that doesn't bother anyone. But most take the cheap way out and people get injured because of it. Prince so put ur wives powder away and come out 2 bowl with the guys who CAN. Bowl without it


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #34 on: October 25, 2008, 09:12:43 PM »
ahh there's the online tough guy. Blame the bowler who can bowl not the 1 sticking and using powder. I blew my knee out because of the powder and the torn ligament it caused. There are so many Products out there that people can use that doesn't bother anyone. But most take the cheap way out and people get injured because of it. Prince so put ur wives powder away and come out 2 bowl with the guys who CAN. Bowl without it

Sorry for your injury, and I won't get in between you and Crowned Prince on this argument.

I understand your emotions towards the subject BUT I still say you should blame the bowler, not the tool he used. You should also blame the proprietor who was repsonsible, in the end, for not maintaining the approaches at the place where you fell and got hurt.

It's not a man thing and it's not a woman thing. Get over that. It's a bowler situation.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #35 on: October 25, 2008, 09:32:10 PM »
Charlest I agree its the bowler not the tool. But that's the point don't use a tool unless you can use it correctly. Injury sucks but after 6 months I finally got timing and comfortable with stroke. Only thing I can say it hurt was my speed but its coming back


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #36 on: October 25, 2008, 09:57:41 PM »
ya know what, i don't know how old you are and i don't really care. i'm 22, i blew my knee out when i was 16 and again when i was 18. i'll have to wear a brace every time i bowl, most likely for the rest of my life. i've got another good 40+ years of this if this rest of me stays healthy.

stop crying, if anyone has a reason to complain about having a bad knee it's me, and i don't care if anyone uses powders because i'll just slide more than i already do. i'll say it again, YOU needed to learn how to bowl in the first place if you got hurt by planting.

go whine somewhere else.

Charlest I agree its the bowler not the tool. But that's the point don't use a tool unless you can use it correctly. Injury sucks but after 6 months I finally got timing and comfortable with stroke. Only thing I can say it hurt was my speed but its coming back

Formerly HammerBowler

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Nobody crying here tough guy stating how I feel. Powder should be banned. Knowing your age no I can see why the tough guy comes out. When you grow up then you will understand opinions and understand causes of miss using products.


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #37 on: October 25, 2008, 10:04:52 PM »
Someone post the link to "THE" vid and HammerBowler will go away from this thread
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #38 on: October 25, 2008, 10:29:46 PM »
Someone post the link to "THE" vid and HammerBowler will go away from this thread
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

Sport Bowling is a F**king joke

The Bowler's Edge Pro Shop


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #39 on: October 26, 2008, 12:26:26 AM »
Here's how I approach the EZ-Slide thing.

I use it -- on my thumb, when it sticks. I'd use baby powder, but EZ-Slide is easier to transport. I never use it on my shoe.

I've seen more people injured because of slipping in other people's powder than because they stuck. And really, if you hurt yourself because you stick, you're only hurting yourself. If someone hurts themselves because you misapplied powder or cigarette ashes, they are hurt without deserving to be hurt or because of the actions of others. That's a big difference and a personal injury lawyer will be more than happy to explain the difference to you if you should, say, happen to injure someone in a car accident.

If I see EZ-Slide being abused when I'm bowling, I will go talk to that team's captain. If it persists, I will get a league officer involved. If still no one takes care of the problem, I'll get the house involved. If I have to take care of it myself after that, I'll do it, and I'm more than capable of doing it on my own.

The fact that EZ-Slide is not outlawed by name means nothing. It has applications outside of shoes (see earlier comments about using it on one's thumb). It is not possible to put a substance on a shoe and it not come off on the approach. If it was, you'd never have to re-apply it, but you do. That's a law of science.

It goes on the shoe, it will get on the approach, and while I'm not very susceptible to having a problem with it (I don't slide much), I will look out for others since I've seen nasty things result from its misuse. I can also be that a-hole rules stickler guy that everyone loves to hate, when I need to be. And I can take care of myself if someone wants to make an issue of it.

I realize some people know how to use it better than others, and if I see someone being extra careful, I probably won't say anything about it. But as soon as I see it used, it will be me and not the user that determines whether it continues to be used. Don't like it, don't let me catch you using it.

If it sounds like this is my pet issue, bingo, and I'm undefeated. I make no apologies for holding people to the rules when a potential injury is at stake. I'm a really nice guy 99.9 percent of the time but when I need to be an a-hole, I'm quite good at it.



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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #40 on: October 26, 2008, 12:52:43 AM »
It is not possible to put a substance on a shoe and it not come off on the approach. If it was, you'd never have to re-apply it, but you do. That's a law of science.

Very well said !

If it doesnt come off, why do you have to put more on ?
I will head to my local pro shop. Right after I buy it online.

Sport Bowling is a F**king joke


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #41 on: October 26, 2008, 01:28:07 AM »
I believe that people throw around terms that are way too general without
knowing their true meaning.  Blowing the knee out typically means a torn
ACL, MCL and Posterior Cruciate Ligament or the "Triad".  Did you have the
surgery to repair them?  Also since you don't like people who can't spell,
how about people who don't capitalize "I".
Jbuz---their means possession, there means a place.   Just keeping it clean.


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #42 on: October 26, 2008, 08:26:07 AM »
Nextbowler. Yes I ended up having knee scoped. I having know problems with spell comment was made 2 me from someone who didn't like my opinion. Like I said earlier there are so many other solutions if u feel ur sticking that doesn't risk the safety of others use them.


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #43 on: October 26, 2008, 08:31:30 AM »
I personally dont use ez slide rosin or any of that I feel that these all cause inconsistancies. However if you want to use this stuff I dont mind like many have said but dont get it in my way. Also about approaches I bowl at an AMF center with wonderful approaches(almost slide too well) 2 private houses owned by the same guy and they arent as smooth however they are still well maintained and consistant from gutter to gutter. So to be honest I think its more the matience crew than individual or corporate.


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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #44 on: October 26, 2008, 09:15:10 AM »
Just wear a shoe cover slider thingy!!!!



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Re: Easy Slide Should Be Banned
« Reply #45 on: October 26, 2008, 09:58:55 AM »
i see many people referencing sticking or sliding at the finish.  but what ive seen many times myself that really doesnt matter whether your a slider or you plant, is that while going through your approach/delivery  during the 2nd/3rd step depending on how many steps you take , is that I/others have had the foot with the slide sole damn near come out from under us, before we even get to the line to plant or stick. Which i believe is just as much as a problem. And again, doesn't matter whether you plant or slide, because it happens before you get there.
Ive Eaten From The Insane Root That Imprisons Reason