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Author Topic: smoking ban  (Read 8379 times)


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smoking ban
« on: October 26, 2008, 01:06:33 PM »
I live in Fond Du Lac WI. But Here is my question Fond Du Lac just passed this bill no smoking in restaurants,Bowling alleys, and work places. The people who smoke and bowl will bowling alleys take a major drop in leauges? How far will they take this smoking ban? Will they start telling people no smoking in there homes and cars? For me I love bowling. But I'm afraid that this will cause allot of bowlers to stop bowling because they can't smoke and well there goes the leauges and maybe bowling alleys. And please don't say what are a smoker no I ain't a smoker but If people are going to smoke they will do it whether there is a ban or not. Cops are going to have hard time checking every place to see who is complain and who Ain't.



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Re: smoking ban
« Reply #31 on: October 28, 2008, 12:19:22 AM »
Scott. Ok here think about it this way. I would think there are bigger problems out in the world 2 worry about then a smoker enjoying a cigarette what about the drugs gangs or murders. All illegal but they rather play GOD making up in my eyes stupid laws. They just be taking care of bigger problems. Like I said b4 my concern is what will people have 2 give up next?? Its funny how state wanted law but now trying 2 figure out how 2 bring it back 2 favor there pockets. Illinois losing lots of money in the casino boats. Now instead of the elders staying around allday gambling and enjoying themselves then stay 4 lot less time and leave. Just 2 funny 4 me


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Re: smoking ban
« Reply #32 on: October 28, 2008, 10:10:47 AM »
Eh, you get used to it.

It's been a while now since Florida passed it. When I went to South Carolina to visit a friend, we hit a local bowling alley.

I saw a guy walking down the main area smoking and thought to myself, he's going to get kicked out. He started talking to the guy behind the desk who also lit a cigarette.

It was at that point that I realized there were giant ashtrays behind every lane. I didn't notice them after an hour because I'm used to not seeing them.

Needless to say I chain smoked while I bowled =P

We hit a Chili's later and the waiter asked if we wanted to keep the ashtray. I said yes, but couldn't light up with people (and kids) 10 feet away eating. It just gets ingrained in you as a social mannerism after a while.
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Re: smoking ban
« Reply #33 on: October 28, 2008, 10:23:17 AM »
I am a smoker, and I actually like the smoking ban here in Iowa.  Its pretty nice to leave a bart and not stink like 80 peoples cigs.  Our leagues havent seen any membership drop that i am aware of, there are just a few joes out smoking in between games and after the set.  All in all I think it was a good move, because now there are alot more families at the center during the weekend days than I remember there being.
Go Balls Deep



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Re: smoking ban
« Reply #34 on: October 28, 2008, 10:43:34 AM »
I think it's funny how people who smoke take the viewpoint of "What freedom are you willing to loose next"? What about the freedom of people who want to go out and not breath the second hand smoke from someone with no self control? I see it's ok for them to loose their freedom, but when it comes to smoking that's where the line is drawn. Stop crying, go outside or quit. No smoker ever see's it as offensive to someone who doesn't smoke. Smokers your liberties are still in tact, they are just going to be drawing even with the non-smokers.


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Re: smoking ban
« Reply #35 on: October 28, 2008, 10:59:09 AM »
ucumin, your analogies are terrible at best. Second hand smoke kills people. It's not just because people think it's bad, they know it's bad. It's not like they all went "This smoke is annoying, oh lets ban smoking" and everyone in charge went with it. Comparing it to eating meat is laughable.

Edited on 10/28/2008 10:59 AM


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Re: smoking ban
« Reply #36 on: October 28, 2008, 10:59:39 AM »
I agree with no smoking in restaurants because ur eating. Thing is there are lanes in Illinois that have set aside bowling leagues and times 4 kids , non smokers and the elderly. They did very well and people were happy. Most mens leagues are only night out 2 be with the guys. That should have the right 2 bowl have a drink and even smoke. Instead of making a ban should have enforced more maintenance. Such as the smoke eaters. There are many bars and alleys up here that even on the busiest time you wouldn't see smoke in the air. Like I've said what will be the next thing your willing 2 give up? So many more problems in the world 2 worry then someone having a cigarette. Freedom won't be free anymore. Your choices won't be yours anymore.


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Re: smoking ban
« Reply #37 on: October 28, 2008, 11:11:19 AM »
Big brother/sister is out there seeing what other freedoms he/she can take away because someone says something is bad for you.
What about the police cars you see just sitting in a parking lot with their engines running, polluting the air we breath. Or the big oil companies that lose a tanker or even worse, polluting the air/ground/water we need.
I am not a smoker, but I do believe that there rights are being violated to some degree
If your going out to a bar/restaurant/bowling alley and you know that there is smoking going on there, if it bothers you to be around smoke, don't go in there. Your presence isn't going to make or break that particular business

Hey guys but thats what im talking about. Im a smoking and ban sucks but bigger problem in my eyes is what is next. It went from smoking were ever to smoking non smoking section to now no smoking. Whats next cant go out and have a drink because someone thinks its bad? Whats next can drive your favorite car because someone thinks its bad? Whats next cant have a camp fire because someone thinks it bad?  Yes those are all things people love to do and are legal right now but who knows. Are you willing to give up 1 of ur favorite activites NON SMOKERS because someone thinks it wrong. I would have no problem with smoking ban in resturant or even by the lanes. But to ban smoking threw out whole state is BS.  what happen to ur freedom of choice?
Like i said before my main problem is someone playing GOD with my life. NO suit should be able to chose what we can do if its legal

Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff


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Re: smoking ban
« Reply #38 on: October 28, 2008, 11:22:00 AM »
we went non smoking this summer, and total between 6 leagues, we lost maybe 30 bowlers, and most of them didnt even quit because of smoking, it was more economy or just had enough of bowling in general.


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Re: smoking ban
« Reply #39 on: October 28, 2008, 11:35:04 AM »
Every public place should be smoke free. What you do in your own car or home is up to you. But why should someone else have to put up with it. Everyone has to breath, but you choose to smoke. I don't understand the crying. Go outside

Scond that...


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Re: smoking ban
« Reply #40 on: October 28, 2008, 01:47:27 PM »
I smoke and ban sucks but there is much more there then some stupid law. Are you as Americans that are suppose 2 be free ready 4 the government 2 get involved in ur decision making. How is making a state smoke free making the it even 4 smokers and non smokers ? Biggest problem is what are you willing 2 give up next ? There are bigger problems in the world that will kill you but  nothing done. A car idling causing pollution is ok because state has pocket full of money with oil companies. Looking into state of Illinois there trying 2 get few stipulation into the smoking law because they are losing money. Instead of the elderly enjoying a meal talking 4 few hours have a smoke and coffee then leaving now they eat and leave. Casinos are 1 of the biggest out here. Here you will like this 1. Your 18 go fight 4 this country 4 someone elses reasons you can have a gun and drink. But when you get 2 the states you can't have ur gun you can't drink because ur not 21. Now you can kill 4 us but you can't smoke. Vfw halls are private clubs but still included into this law. Just 2 many rights as a so called free country at risk. Let government get involved and many choices 4 you welcome to the 2009 decade of dictatorship. Point being what are you willing 2 give up next ??


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Re: smoking ban
« Reply #41 on: October 28, 2008, 02:25:50 PM »
In my eyes the smoking ban sucks because I smoke but there is much more there. I can deal with going outside no big deal but problem is what is next. That's my concern. Everyday there are many people saying things are good or bad or healthy and unhealthy. Then the next day changing there mind. So should there ideas all be made into laws against. the unemployment rate gangs drugs and economy is what the government should be thinking about. Not whether you can smoke in public. There just us so much more into this law then smokers and non smokers. That's why I keep saying what's next ??


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Re: smoking ban
« Reply #42 on: October 28, 2008, 02:43:29 PM »
In my eyes the smoking ban sucks because I smoke but there is much more there. I can deal with going outside no big deal but problem is what is next. That's my concern. Everyday there are many people saying things are good or bad or healthy and unhealthy. Then the next day changing there mind. So should there ideas all be made into laws against. the unemployment rate gangs drugs and economy is what the government should be thinking about. Not whether you can smoke in public. There just us so much more into this law then smokers and non smokers. That's why I keep saying what's next ??

People might take you more seriously if your posts didn't give peole a headache trying to read them. As for a smoking ban, it's done for the reason to give the general public a better chance at a healthy lifestyle. For the same reason some cities are banning trans-fats. I fail to see the argument for allowing the minority(smokers) to affect the health of the majority. Now let me take two Tylenol before I try to comprhend your reply to this post.
Me stupid. Me believe anything. Please tell me what to do.


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Re: smoking ban
« Reply #43 on: October 28, 2008, 03:23:15 PM »
Bottom line is this what's next ?  America home of the free and home of the brave.  Yeah right not anymore people. If you start giving up ur rights 2 chose then ur done. Don't care so much about the smoking law its just not being able 2 chose.