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Author Topic: Ebonite International 4 brands ranking  (Read 16014 times)


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Ebonite International 4 brands ranking
« on: December 29, 2013, 07:55:39 PM »
How would you rate the 4 ebonite bowling ball brands (Columbia, Ebonite, Hammer, and Track) 1 to 4 (1-being the best and 4-the worst) when comparing them based on best overall brand (timing of new ball releases, ball performance, current line up, etc....)? I saw a post similar to this a while back and wanted to see if any of your views or thoughts have changed now since time has passed and newer equipment has been released.


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Re: Ebonite International 4 brands ranking
« Reply #46 on: January 02, 2014, 02:31:13 PM »
I do like the way the Pivot reacts . . but Ebonite has a long way to go to overcome the hole they've dug themselves into. 

I agree. and it's a sad state, especially seeing how proud of a brand they are, and have been successful over the past 20something years. I just don't know happened. I know the industry has its ebbs and flows, but they definitely did get caught unaware, especially with the fracturing that happened and other companies cropping up (Visionary, Motiv, Radical, Seismic, DV8, etc.). It's like their thinking is still back in the mid-late 90s when there were only six major brands around.

And right now, the Pivot is the only reason I'm still looking at Ebonite gear. I'd love to demo it, but the closest demo days is in Minnesota, and there is only 1 EBI staffer in the area without having to make a 3 hour drive in any direction, and he's with Track. So the chance of there being a demo day in the Norcal area is slim to none.

I hadn't heard about that, that's disappointing.  I wonder if it's because it was costing them too much, or because most shop owners didn't take the time to redeem them.  Won't change anything for us though, my owner bowled at KU with Hammer's brand manager, so we'll continue to support them regardless of the sticker program. 

If I am not mistaken, Hammer Sticker Program is going away and the Absolute Hook is last ball to have stickers. Not sure when they have to be redeemed by, by sucks because it was a plus for me to sell Hammer balls. Think I ended up with 6-8 balls from program.

Interesting. didn't know about either the program or Ussery bowling at Kansas. Wish I had known earlier about the program. :(


WOW!!! All hammer balls had a hammer sticker on the box the last two years. Collect 3 of each of the 4 colors and get a free ball of choice. Sounds like your distributor was taking the stickers. If I got a ball from my distributor, I called and made them mail me one.
J. Helton
Perfect Approach Pro Shop

Matt Fortney

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Re: Ebonite International 4 brands ranking
« Reply #47 on: January 02, 2014, 08:17:24 PM »
I hadn't heard about that, that's disappointing.  I wonder if it's because it was costing them too much, or because most shop owners didn't take the time to redeem them.  Won't change anything for us though, my owner bowled at KU with Hammer's brand manager, so we'll continue to support them regardless of the sticker program. 

If I am not mistaken, Hammer Sticker Program is going away and the Absolute Hook is last ball to have stickers. Not sure when they have to be redeemed by, by sucks because it was a plus for me to sell Hammer balls. Think I ended up with 6-8 balls from program.

Just drilled an Amp Up for a customer a week or so ago, no sticker. I was pretty bummed too.