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Author Topic: Egos  (Read 3105 times)


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« on: March 21, 2012, 01:22:52 PM »
I think it finally dawned on me what drives all of bowling - Egos.
In every other sport, you pretty much know how good you really are.  In golf, if you cannot consistent shoot under par at your local course from the blues tees (never mind the tips), you are not thinking about joining the PGA.   And none of your buddies or the general public suggests that you should.
But in bowling, because of the THS, the common league bowler can bowl just as well as the guys on TV.  
This causes 2 problems:
1) A lot of common house bowlers develop egos that they are really better bowlers than they really are.  Their buddies and general public ask them if they are pros or why don't they try to become one, because they see them bowl just as well as the guys on TV.
2) The really good bowlers get no respect.  The bowlers who have put in the work to become the true elite of the sport cannot show they are really the best because on a THS they can get beat by the common house bowler in a carry contest.  So they develop an ego to proof they are indeed better.
This I believe is why the elite bowlers press so hard for sport conditions to be implemented.  Why?  Because on sport conditions, the common league bowler's average will fall probably 20-30 pins into the 170-190 range.  Now, no one will think he is as good as a pro anymore and the elite bowler will be respected for being at the top of the sport of bowling like the pros of other sports by the general public.
It's all about ego.



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Re: Egos
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2012, 01:41:13 PM »
I am a 230 avg bowler, and I always have the other league bowlers asking me why I dont go pro.  I give everyone the same answer.  I would need at least a minimum of 1 year of practice hitting all the patterns, working on my accuracy and spare shooting. Then I am asked what the difference is and i tell them about how hard the patterns are and what the house shot is and tell the the area you have on a THS compared to the PBA patterns plus I would need the money to travel and enter to begin with.  Now these are the 160-180 avg league bowlers so bowling is just there recreational activity so they dont watch a lot of the PBA.  So I am one of the few High avg house bowlers that does not have an ego. 

Coach Bonesaw

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Re: Egos
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2012, 01:44:45 PM »
When Pete Weber exploded a few weeks ago, many were appalled at the sudden "decline" of the bowler personality; however, as a league bowler and an employee of a house, PDW's personality is reflected by the majority of bowlers. Even people who carry only 130 averages will complain and make a fuss about inconsequential things. Ego's do drive bowling, and rather abrasive people are not unusual. 

 #1 Choker in the 10th Frame 
In the bag:

Roto Grip Magic Gem
Motiv Primal Shock
Hammer Ocean Vibe


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Re: Egos
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2012, 02:20:10 PM »
I have bowled on both THS and sport shots and know my limitations.  My ave has continued to improve but I am under no illusion that I can compete with the pro's.  I think that while there are some who think they may be good enough too try it,  there are an equal number of higher ave league bowlers in the area I bowl that respect the pro's and their ability and know the difference between a soft THS and a sport shot.


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Re: Egos
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2012, 02:23:32 PM »
Just learning to play on the patterns is one thing, making proper adjustments at the right time on national television are what set those guys apart. 

I'd rather you hate me for everything I am, then have you love me for something that I'm not!!! 5FDP
-I'd rather you hate me for everything I am, then have you love me for something I am not-

trash heap

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Re: Egos
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2012, 03:06:03 PM »
If the contest was only using a plastic ball, I really believe that 70% of league bowlers probably couldn't beat an open bowler. Today's league bowler, does not, nor wants to, practice their spare shooting. They rely too much on striking. Take away their high carry percentage and they are no better than an open bowler.


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Re: Egos
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2012, 05:13:51 PM »
I used to throw a Columbia Ego, it was strong and arrogant, like all the rest of the bowlers!  Not me!





It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Egos
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2012, 05:43:53 PM »
Another topic strictly put up to demean or otherwise delegitimize the average league bowler. I don't know how many more times, or in how many different ways this topic can be done on this site, but I'm sure it will continue on. Are there guys who think they are better than they are, out there? Yes! Do the vast majority of league bowlers think that the THS they bowl on prove they are as good as pros? NO! I'm starting to get sick to my stomach with you guys who continue to be the biggest bowling snobs on earth. You guys are the ones who are killing the game and causing the decline in league bowling not the soft lane conditions you rail about continually. As I said on a post about the USBC shot, I have bowled for 40 years, through the rubber, plastic, urethane and now reactive resin eras. The conditions being put out during those eras were never that tough unless some proprietor just wanted to put out a shi**ty shot. Where did you snobs come up with the idea shots were tougher in the past? The only reason scoring was never at the current pace was that bowling balls were never this explosive?


You can continue to put down the average league bowler but do it at your own risk my snobby friends. That risk is that at some point in this dying sport, you will be the only ones left. And, with that few bowlers you will be left to taking up another sport you can show your "EGOs" and snootiness. This ego stuff you complain about is not solely owned by the average league bowler, it revolves more around you than them. It's your egos that seemed to be continually bruised by average league bowlers who shoot good scores. Grow up and then shut up. it will be better for the sport we all love.


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Re: Egos
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2012, 07:02:12 PM »
First of all, why do you feel the need to call the people commenting on this thread "snobs"? What have they said that makes them "Snobs"? If what you say is true, why are there so many people complaining about the USBC Open shot at this point in time? The Open shot has never been easy, it has always been tougher than regular league shots. Yet it is only now that people are complain because they say they can't score.


Let's take this a step further.....tell me another sport where a particpant can take part in their sport 1 time a week, never practice their sport outside of the 1 time a week they play, and expect to compete with the best the sport has to offer??? Do baseball players act that way? Football players? Soccer players?? Yet I don't see people quiting these sports because they are "too hard". And again why is saying if you want to be the best at your chosen sport you have to practice at it, practice long and hard at it, being a "snob'? If you met an NFL Player, would you call him a snob? C'mon man.....get real


And lastly, you are 100% incorrect. The average league shot was never as easy as it is today. When leagues were allowed to go to short-oil, it changed the scoring pace forever. Yes, the newer balls make a difference, but you can't honestly say that a longer oil pattern of the past is just as easy as the short-oil Great Wall of China that is put out in most houses today. If you truly believe that, then you have no grasp on reality.

TDC57 wrote on 3/21/2012 3:43 PM:
Another topic strictly put up to demean or otherwise delegitimize the average league bowler. I don't know how many more times, or in how many different ways this topic can be done on this site, but I'm sure it will continue on. Are there guys who think they are better than they are, out there? Yes! Do the vast majority of league bowlers think that the THS they bowl on prove they are as good as pros? NO! I'm starting to get sick to my stomach with you guys who continue to be the biggest bowling snobs on earth. You guys are the ones who are killing the game and causing the decline in league bowling not the soft lane conditions you rail about continually. As I said on a post about the USBC shot, I have bowled for 40 years, through the rubber, plastic, urethane and now reactive resin eras. The conditions being put out during those eras were never that tough unless some proprietor just wanted to put out a shi**ty shot. Where did you snobs come up with the idea shots were tougher in the past? The only reason scoring was never at the current pace was that bowling balls were never this explosive?


You can continue to put down the average league bowler but do it at your own risk my snobby friends. That risk is that at some point in this dying sport, you will be the only ones left. And, with that few bowlers you will be left to taking up another sport you can show your "EGOs" and snootiness. This ego stuff you complain about is not solely owned by the average league bowler, it revolves more around you than them. It's your egos that seemed to be continually bruised by average league bowlers who shoot good scores. Grow up and then shut up. it will be better for the sport we all love.



Sunshine n Lollipops

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Re: Egos
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2012, 08:16:54 PM »
Couldn't agree more.  This is another "tourney snob" taking a shot at the average "house hack".   Jesus, who the hell cares anymore.  Let the typical league bowler have his shot.  Those of us who bowl on Kegel Challenge, Kegel Sport, and other Sport conditions know the difference and respect the difference.  I won't ever bowl on a THS again, no challenge or sense of accomplishment.  Guess what?  The THS league bowler doesn't know and doesn't care.  To each his own.  Isn't that ever going to be enough? 
TDC57 wrote on 3/21/2012 3:43 PM:
Another topic strictly put up to demean or otherwise delegitimize the average league bowler. I don't know how many more times, or in how many different ways this topic can be done on this site, but I'm sure it will continue on. Are there guys who think they are better than they are, out there? Yes! Do the vast majority of league bowlers think that the THS they bowl on prove they are as good as pros? NO! I'm starting to get sick to my stomach with you guys who continue to be the biggest bowling snobs on earth. You guys are the ones who are killing the game and causing the decline in league bowling not the soft lane conditions you rail about continually. As I said on a post about the USBC shot, I have bowled for 40 years, through the rubber, plastic, urethane and now reactive resin eras. The conditions being put out during those eras were never that tough unless some proprietor just wanted to put out a shi**ty shot. Where did you snobs come up with the idea shots were tougher in the past? The only reason scoring was never at the current pace was that bowling balls were never this explosive?


You can continue to put down the average league bowler but do it at your own risk my snobby friends. That risk is that at some point in this dying sport, you will be the only ones left. And, with that few bowlers you will be left to taking up another sport you can show your "EGOs" and snootiness. This ego stuff you complain about is not solely owned by the average league bowler, it revolves more around you than them. It's your egos that seemed to be continually bruised by average league bowlers who shoot good scores. Grow up and then shut up. it will be better for the sport we all love.

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  


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Re: Egos
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2012, 08:50:50 PM »
 Its bowling. Its not cool and most people that dont bowl really dont care. Its no different then roided up softball guy thinking he is the greatest thing ever. No matter your average no matter your scores most people do not care. Add being a d-bag to it and you have the typical house hack.  Its just bowling.

"1 of 1." 
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Egos
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2012, 09:43:45 PM »
Shots today are easier not harder than before.  I bowled in the plastic and rubber era and at no time do I remember being able to miss 4 boards either way and strike. Dry up a lane and miss with a reactive and it's going to hit a corner pin or roll out.   Shot making was required to score well.  That seems to have gone away with today's conditions and balls.  The proprietors could put a shot to arrest the high scoring pace but that would likely drive away the league bowler more than anything. 
There are lots of reasons why league bowling is in decline,  and if I had to rank them your reason would be way at the bottom. 
TDC57 wrote on 3/21/2012 3:43 PM:
Another topic strictly put up to demean or otherwise delegitimize the average league bowler. I don't know how many more times, or in how many different ways this topic can be done on this site, but I'm sure it will continue on. Are there guys who think they are better than they are, out there? Yes! Do the vast majority of league bowlers think that the THS they bowl on prove they are as good as pros? NO! I'm starting to get sick to my stomach with you guys who continue to be the biggest bowling snobs on earth. You guys are the ones who are killing the game and causing the decline in league bowling not the soft lane conditions you rail about continually. As I said on a post about the USBC shot, I have bowled for 40 years, through the rubber, plastic, urethane and now reactive resin eras. The conditions being put out during those eras were never that tough unless some proprietor just wanted to put out a shi**ty shot. Where did you snobs come up with the idea shots were tougher in the past? The only reason scoring was never at the current pace was that bowling balls were never this explosive?


You can continue to put down the average league bowler but do it at your own risk my snobby friends. That risk is that at some point in this dying sport, you will be the only ones left. And, with that few bowlers you will be left to taking up another sport you can show your "EGOs" and snootiness. This ego stuff you complain about is not solely owned by the average league bowler, it revolves more around you than them. It's your egos that seemed to be continually bruised by average league bowlers who shoot good scores. Grow up and then shut up. it will be better for the sport we all love.


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Re: Egos
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2012, 09:59:08 PM »
If i may stray off topic here for 1 reply.  A poster said there are many reasons as to why league bowling is in decline.  My opinion is the #1 reason is not technology because of bowling equipment but technology as in electronics.  Nobody wants to go out and do anything any more.  Whether be play sports, go bowling or just go for a walk.  What kid wants to go out and do something when they just got the newest game system, or I-pad or I-touch or what ever new item is on the market.  Bowling is in decline because of laziness.  I am 26yrs old and I remember when i was in juniors we had like 12-16 team leagues in the 12 to 21 age division.  and like 7-10 in the lower age group.  Now there lucky to get 5-7 teams for older age division and 3-4 for the younger age division.  I would have to say advanced technology in electronics is #1, and a far 2nd is Bowling equipment.


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Re: Egos
« Reply #13 on: March 21, 2012, 10:18:31 PM »

trash heap

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Re: Egos
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2012, 10:39:47 PM »
First off let me explain. I didn't state "average league bowler".  I make this statement to most league bowlers and I refer all bowlers and even some above 200 average. Maybe my percentage was high, but it wasn't meant to be snobbish.
I base my statement on observations:
1st - Area. Bowlers today do not need to aim like they would with plastic. It's more of getting the ball right or keeping it in an area. There is no need for precision on THS.
2nd - Carry Percentage: Plastic just doesn't carry like reactive, so in turn the bowler is going to leave pins after the first shot (Another issue - will be point 3). Spare shooting is not practiced by most league bowlers. Unfamiliar territory.
3rd. - Mental Aspect - Since striking is going to be more challenging, most league bowlers today will get frustrated. Each year I see more bowlers looking back in disgust (stating they wer robbed) after they put a reactive ball in the pocket. Imagine what is going to happen with them throwing a plastic.
4th. - Mechanics of their Swing: Most bowlers have naturally been throwing the ball to the right (or left on leftside). It something that will cause frustration, throwing a plastic out and it doesn't recover.THS and reactive balls have created this expectation.
5th  - Styles. I also base off the various throwing styles. I see some  terrible bowling styles. Just when I think I have seen them all, I see  new ones each year, that have me scratching my head. Most these styles  will not work with a plastic ball. The only reason these styles work is  the combination of THS and having a reactive ball in their hand. They keep their terrible throw and find an angle and position on the approach that works. And on a THS almost anything works.
If you played basketball for years, and the basket was only 8 feet high and 25% wider, and your ball was 30% smaller, Imagine how difficult its going to be with a regulation hoop and ball. 
Think about. How many times you hear bowlers complaining about conditions (low and high average bowlers). So what do you think is going to happen when you put them in a challenging situation? I will state some will figure it out, but I think most will give up and quit. They will not be able to handle the 40 - 50 pin drop in average.
Why?  EGO
So what is the solution. Promote the tough condition. Educate these bowlers. Okay...not put them down...but how hard is that going to be. They are bowling on an easier condition. It's not knock on is what it is.
In my basketball example what is more impressive. A guy having a 95% shooting percentage with the smaller ball, 8 foot larger hoop, or another guy having 85% at with things at regulation size.
TDC57 wrote on 3/21/2012 3:43 PM:
Another topic strictly put up to demean or otherwise delegitimize the average league bowler. I don't know how many more times, or in how many different ways this topic can be done on this site, but I'm sure it will continue on. Are there guys who think they are better than they are, out there? Yes! Do the vast majority of league bowlers think that the THS they bowl on prove they are as good as pros? NO! I'm starting to get sick to my stomach with you guys who continue to be the biggest bowling snobs on earth. You guys are the ones who are killing the game and causing the decline in league bowling not the soft lane conditions you rail about continually. As I said on a post about the USBC shot, I have bowled for 40 years, through the rubber, plastic, urethane and now reactive resin eras. The conditions being put out during those eras were never that tough unless some proprietor just wanted to put out a shi**ty shot. Where did you snobs come up with the idea shots were tougher in the past? The only reason scoring was never at the current pace was that bowling balls were never this explosive?


You can continue to put down the average league bowler but do it at your own risk my snobby friends. That risk is that at some point in this dying sport, you will be the only ones left. And, with that few bowlers you will be left to taking up another sport you can show your "EGOs" and snootiness. This ego stuff you complain about is not solely owned by the average league bowler, it revolves more around you than them. It's your egos that seemed to be continually bruised by average league bowlers who shoot good scores. Grow up and then shut up. it will be better for the sport we all love.

Talkin' Trash!